The ugly side of gall bladder removal

By:groshan fabiola

Nowadays, worldwide there are many types of surgeries performed to treat a lot of different conditions. Gall bladder is one of them. This would not normally be a problem, but if taking into consideration the fact that maybe a third of these procedures are totally uncalled for, then you see may dilemma.

Somewhere at the top of the surgery list you can find gall bladder removal. An astonishing number of people have their gall bladder removed every year. You might think that this is not such a bad thing. Since when gall bladder surgery has become such a big deal? Well, let me tell you something. Why have gall bladder surgery if it is simply unnecessary. Furthermore, not only that there are a lot of cases of gall bladder removal that should not be made, but the number of gall bladder removal procedures is actually rising. Do not doubt for a second the fact that I have nothing against people that have gall bladder surgery, on the contrary, but there are some things that are just wrong. Why spent such a big amount of money on gall bladder surgeries that are just uncalled for. Would it not be better if the money that are spent on unnecessary gall bladder surgeries will actually go where they are needed more? Even if not taking into consideration the money problem when talking about gall bladder surgery, there are
also factors that should be analyzed as well in gall bladder surgeries gone wild.

Gall bladder problems affect mostly people that are over forty years old. With aging, gall bladder problems also tend to increase. Believe it or not, but more than half of the people that are over seventy years old suffer from gallstones in their gall bladder. At this age their health condition is not very good and surgery, even such a simple procedure like gall bladder removal can be risky. Furthermore, many studies have shown that it is best to wait a while before having your gall bladder removed. Many of the gallstones that you have in your gall bladder can dissolve by themselves or your body may eliminate them. So, then why go through a gall bladder procedure, face the risk of complications and even cancer, when you can wait?

Gall bladder removal is a must in many gallstone cases, but is it in yours? You should better ask the advice of several doctors before rushing into gall bladder removal surgery.

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More informations about gall bladder symptoms or gall bladder pain can be found by visiting