The urinary infection
- By:groshan fabiola
The urinary infection is one of the most common reasons for a person to be diagnosed with kidney infection. The most common kind of infection affecting the urinary tract is the bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI). The fluid that is filtered out of the bloodstream by the kidneys is the urine or pee. Salts and waste products are present in urine. A UTI can result when bacteria get into the bladder or kidney and multiply in the urine.
The three main types of UTI are: urethritis which is caused by bacteria that infect only the urethra, cystitis, a bladder infection caused by bacteria, pyelonephritis which is the infection of the kidney. In the case of pyelonephritis a person has back pain, high fever, and vomiting.
The bladder infection causes discomfort and inconvenience. To avoid a more serious infection of a kidneys the patient should get the treatment promptly and in this way he will be quickly and easily treated. Bacteria are the ones which affects all patients.
E. coli, bacteria that are found in the digestive tract and on the skin around the rectal and vaginal areas causes UTIs. The infection is caused when the bacteria enter the urethra.
Because of the differences in the shape and length of the urethra women are more predisposed to tract infections more than guys. In the case of girls the urethras is shorter than the one of guys and the opening lies closer to the rectum and vagina where bacteria are likely to be.
Vesicoureteral reflux is the most common functional problem of the urinary tract. In this case the urine flows backward, or refluxes, from the bladder into the ureters and even up to the kidneys.
A bacteria can get into the urethra several ways. During sexual intercourse in the vaginal area the bacteria may be pushed into the urethra and eventually end up in the bladder and the urine provides a good environment for the bacteria to grow. UTIs are present at women who are sexually active. By wiping from back to front after a bowel movement, which can contaminate the urethral opening a bacteria may be introduced into a woman's bladder. The risk of getting a urinary tract infection is increased by using spermicides (including condoms treated with spermicide) and diaphragms as contraceptives.
UTI symptoms like pain with urination are caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The inflammation and irritation of the urethra or vagina causes pain that can be associated sometimes with chlamydia and other STDs. Serious long-term problems, including pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility can occur if STDs is untreated. Opposite UTIs, STDs are contagious.
With bladder infections the following symptoms are associated: frequent urination, burning or pain during urination, the feeling of having to pee even though little or no urine actually comes out, pain in the lower abdomen, pain above the pubic bone (in women), a full feeling in the rectum (in men), bloody or foul-smelling urine, mild fever, a general feeling of shakiness and fatigue.
More serious symptoms of kidney infection are: high fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, cloudy or bloody urine, pain in the back, just above the waist.
If the symptoms won't go away and they become worse a doctor should be called as soon as possible and in this way the patient will suffer less.About the author:
For more resources about kidney infection or especially about please review chronic kidney infection please review