The usual ulcer damages
- By:groshan fabiola
Dyspepsia is well known as a symptom of peptic ulcer, especially caused by NSAIDs. It may be persistent and give birth to a variety of problems in the upper abdomen, including the following:pain or discomfort, bloating, feeling of fullness, hunger and an empty feeling in the stomach often one to three hours after a meal, mild nausea, regurgitation and belching.
The ulcer pain can be localized in one place or diffuse.This pain is described as burning, gnawing, or aching in the upper abdomen, or as a stabbing pain penetrating through the width of the gut.In the case of the duodenal ulcer a gnawing pain in the upper stomach area appearsafter a meal and it is also relieved by eating another meal.In opposition the gastric ulcer does not relieved the pain which often occur at night.The ulcer can also radiate to the back or to the chest behind the breastbone.For this kind of pain it may be confused with a heart attack.
For the people to live in industrialized nations, the Dyspepsia occurs at a few of these people a procent between 15-20%.The people with GERD and irritable bowel syndrome generally have Dyspepsia.So from this point of view the ulcer can be associated with gallstones and even chest pain of heart attack.It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on symptoms alone:GERD, heart events,gallstones, irritable Bowel Syndrome.Hall of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have dyspepsia.The GERD is also known as food pipe and the main symptom is usually heartburn, a burning pain that radiates up to the throat.The patient has difficulty in swalling.Because the incapacity of swalling there is often regurgitation up to the throat.
The pain due to heart events, such as angina or a heart attach may radiate to the neck, jaw or arms.The causes of the heart pains are smoking, high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol.
A steady gripping or gnawing pain on the right side under the rib cage can be severe and can radiate to the upper back is known gallstones.Also an irritable bowel can cause dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting,bloating and abdominal pain.The majority of women suffer of this kind of syndrome.Dyspepsia may also be associated with gastritis, stomach cancer or as a side effect of certain drugs including NSAIDs, antibiotics,iron, corticosteroids, theophylline and calcium blockers used to treat high blood pressure.Some of patients respond to the treatment and some may not.
The symptoms of anemia including fatigue and shortness of breath can be caused by the presence of an ulcer. Intestinal obstruction, perforation or hemorrhage are all emergency conditions. They include one or more of the following:tarry, black or bloody stools; severe vomiting; sever abdominal pain with or without vomiting.If one person experience such kind of symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.About the author:
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