The way symptoms manifest them selves in schizophrenia

By:groshan fabiola

Symptoms of schizophrenia appear as early as childhood in humans. They are a perfect indicator of what the future holds for a specific person. Studies done have shown that symptoms can appear as soon as 11 years old, and in many cases they have actually shown that the person will at some point develop schizophrenia. Risks are even greater in the cases of schizophrenia that runs in the family because of genetic factors. Some traits are more visible than others. The child may experience deficit in working, problems in concentrating and short term memory span, verbal problems, difficulty in properly controlling different parts of the body and most amazing usage of different hands for the specific tasks ( mostly females), the presence of hallucinations and delusions and on a longer time span the loss of verbal memory and even more important the drop in IQ and other mental functions.

A specific factor strongly associated with schizophrenia is the eye tracking dysfunction. This always indicates possible abnormalities or problems in the frontal regions of the brain. The tough part about this factor is that it can only be detected by professionals using high tech special equipment.

Medical professionals do agree that an early screening of the suspected person’s brain can help in finding the problems of the central nervous system. This way the sooner the treatment starts the better the chances the patient has of not suffering nerve damage. Outcome of the disease can also be greatly be improved in the advantage of the individual.

Parents should always be very vigilant when it comes to watching the behavior of their child. Schizophrenia that has it roots in childhood and adolescence tend to became very sever with the passing of the years. Because a general awareness it not yet present in people, the early warning signs that appear in children go unnoticed. Some of the symptoms discussed till now have the bad habit of appearing with out the onset of the disease its self.

Because humans are so different from one another, symptoms in schizophrenia may gradually appear in time or make their presence known suddenly. While in some cases the disease progresses gradually but constantly over time, others may experience flare ups of symptoms followed by periods of remissions. The second case has proven to be more wide spread than the other one, especially in women. Many have experienced a complete remission after a flare up , but in the period of about 2 to 3 years

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For more information about schizophrenia or even about symptoms of schizophrenia please review this page