Thyroid abnormalities caused by milk products

By:groshan fabiola

The Center of Disease Control in the United States has recently discovered by different testing, small but significant amounts of perchlorate in products like milk, fruit, and vegetables and even in the drinking water. Perchlorate is a chemical substance used in the space aviation as a rocket fuel. It is found in solid aggregate form and persists in food products for an increased period of time.

According to the latest studies of the Environmental Working Group, about 44 million women divided into pregnant ones and women with thyroid deficiencies are higher exposed to the danger represented by perchlorate chemicals. Also persons with low levels of iodine in their blood could be affected by the substance.

The chemical perchlorate causes a decrease of the secretion and release of thyroidal hormones in the pregnant women’s blood, leading to a disturbance of the fetus development. Perchlorate can cause problems in the evolution of pregnancy because it affects the growth of the fetus; also perchlorate causes later development of the child after birth. Late consequences might be present in the anatomical and functional infant and teenage development as well. Abnormalities in the intellectual field or in the sexual development of the young girls are known.

In spite of the efforts of the Pentagon and the Bureau of National defense that tried to prove perchlorate is harmless for man, recent studies have revealed the contrary. They quote, perchlorate found in the drinking water is actually no threat to the people and especially to women’s health. The newest researches of the Center of Disease Control have proved a serious risk for women caused by the amounts of perchlorate in food and drinks. Studies on abnormal thyroid gland show the high implication of the chemical substance in the variation of thyroid hormones.

Large quantities of perchlorate are manufactured in the United States every year, and the greatest part of it is used by the Minister of Defense as rocket and missile fuel. Smaller amounts of perchlorate are used to make fireworks and road flares. In very small amounts, perchlorate is utilized in the contamination of different fertilizers; this usage is decreasing today, but was higher in the 1900’s.

In a scientific practical study, urine was collected from more than 3000 Americans for lab testing. The results are worrying: Many Americans have in their blood increased quantities of perchlorate, far higher levels than the ones needed to lower the secretion of the thyroid gland.

The Government as well as independent researchers have proved by over 1000 studies made, that the amounts of perchlorate found in food and drinks are extremely dangerous for the public health.

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For more information about thyroid treatment or about thyroid problems please visit this website