Tips to control and cure nervous anorexia
- By:groshan fabiola
Many persons may think wrongly it is not possible to become too thin. A very frightening thought is that many teenagers especially girls look for ways how to become anorexic, many more than ones trying to get help. Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous and hard to kill condition and can be life-threatening. It is an addiction to losing weight and not to food in particularly, it becomes an obsession and patients are extremely concerned about how they look and about the imperative need to loose weight. By considering yourself fat you deny the real issues and problems in your emotional life and also tend to deny the problem instead of solving it.
Some specialists seem to think the cause of anorexia is nutrition, others talk about a genital inclination to become anorexic, some say its caused by the upbringing, some see it as a complication of a brain chemical imbalance. Most of the specialists agree to the idea that the poor self-esteem is at the bases of developing anorexia; patients seem to see themselves as very fat even if their weight is normal or under the average weight of the age and height. The feeling of imperfection, emptiness and unworthiness leads the anorexia sufferers to desperate measures for improving their image so they can feel better about themselves.
Diets and excessive exercise fails to improve the mental problems and risks to start a new chain reaction of physical conditions; the way they know to solve the problems fails to help and the self-image tends to deteriorate continuously. The vicious cycle causing the problems must be interrupted in time and can be interrupted but usually only with help of the family and friends.
Anorexic start by avoiding food and creating a serious imbalance to all vital systems of the body and causes an extreme pathological fatigue. In advanced forms it creates an imbalance in the relations of sufferers with family, friends and tends to highly deteriorate the physical condition; the symptoms become more and more serious as the vicious cycle is not interrupted. The chronic condition resembles a terminal cancer when the body is forced to use all the reserves remaining to maintain the vital functions. General symptoms of the disorder are hypertension, stress, asthma, muscular and cardio-vascular problems. If not cured in time, anorexia can produce unstoppable damages to vital organs and cause death.
Self –image is especially important for teenagers who are very sensitive to physical image and can fall into all kinds of addiction anytime. Anyone who realizes its anorexic like problems must know help is available in many aspects. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if you notice any changes in your eating habits.About the author:
For more information about anorexia or even about anorexia and bulimia please click this link