Treatment for menopause
- By:groshan fabiola
Menopause is a natural occurring process in aging women. It is the biological way of stopping the body’s abilities to produce babies. Time has no mercy on anyone. Being natural, the actual menopause doesn’t need any treatment; the drugs that are used, are used to treat symptoms and to help with some chronic conditions.
Studies made on a special kind of recent treatment have proven some interesting things. Hormone therapy has both benefits and side effects. Studies have shown that in certain women, the administration of different dosages of both estrogen and progesterone can increase drastically the chances of having a later heart attack or to even experience breast cancer. Studies on the women where quickly halted. Still, the actual fear was bigger of the side effects than it was supposed to be. Yearly, not even 10 of 10 000 develop these conditions as side effects, and they are under the treatment of several forms of estrogen and progesterone hormone therapy. Depending on many factors, doctors should prescribe the most correct and adequate hormone treatment for menopausal symptoms.
Low-dose antidepressants are also some of the drugs that are being used, mostly in combating hot flashes, fact witch they do very well. As with all drugs the side effect problem is very present: nausea and dizziness and even sexual dysfunction.
Another drug that has proven to do very well against hot flashes and nerve related pains and other chronic symptoms is a certain gabapentin, with roughly the same symptoms as in anti depressants. Pills or even patches may be used to reduce the blood pressure and again the all so common hot flashes.
A most severe problem in aging women, with menopause is the appearance of osteoporosis and the risks of fracture that it presents. Some different medication has been released to combat this but side effects do exist, in milder forms.
Vaginal problems have also been known to be distressful for women. For this purpose a variety of creams and tablets have been developed that administer vaginal estrogen to the specific area in small adequate dosages. Talking to the doctor to decide the best of treatments would be a very wise thing to do.
Knowing how to stay away from symptoms is a very important thing. It is best to know what are the causes that trigger the hot flashes and it would be a very wise choice to avoid them. For vaginal problems water based lubricants are god to be used. Relaxation and getting the right amount of sleep is an imperative thing. Exercising before bed time usually helps, or knowing different relaxing techniques. Staying healthy in general usually does a lot of help to the body because of the fact that you are giving him the right tools with hum to fight the disease. Exercising and having a healthy diet greatly increases chance of not having complications. A good daily workout also helps, the body having better way of dealing with problems.About the author:
For more resources about menopause or about early menopause symptoms please review