Treatments for eczema
- By:groshan fabiola
There are many people that suffer from eczema and the treatment they need for this condition, eczema is a special one. Nowadays many efforts are being done do discover eczema treatments or to cure other skin conditions, because the number of people that suffer from skin problems, like eczema is getting bigger by the second.
Some scientists have also discovered the gene which is responsible for dry skin, which immediately leads to an eczema. The same gene that leads to eczema is also responsible for asthma. This particular gene produces a protein called fillagrin, which helps the skin like a barrier. without it, your skin gets very dry and eczema develops. The people who are responsible for this discovery, that may lead to finding a better eczema cure, hope to do just that, instead of only treating the eczema symptoms. There is a desperate serch for an eczema treatment, because at this point the only available eczema treatment are with ointments or creams.
Anti inflammatory drugs can also be taken in cases of an eczema. Those treatments for eczema only lower the symptoms and make you feel better. What scientists want is to find a cure for eczema, instead of trying only to treat the eczema symptoms.
Fillagrin, this protein such crucial in stopping eczema, has the role to keep viruses and bacteria out of your skin, while it also keeps water in, thus preventing the drying of your skin and the forming of an eczema. Descovering this gene is probably one of the crucial moments in eczema treatment and asthma. This simple discovery can be a new, fresh beginning in skin problems, like eczema. Before this discovery was made, doctor, patients where just throwing water on a burning building.
People who were suffering from eczema, and even chronic eczema did not have any choice but to go to the hospital almost every day and get bandages. However, now that this discovery was made, thinks might change for people with eczema. They do not know how long it will take them to find the proper treatment for eczema, in light of this discovery. One thing is for sure, thought, a new, better eczema treatment will be found.
More studies have shown that almost ten percent of all people that live in Europe have a genetical mutation that turns off the protein that helps us in not developing an eczema.About the author:
For more resources about eczema skin symptoms or even about eczema treatment please review