- By:groshan fabiola
As it is with almost all other diseases treating ulcer as early as possible is crucial. Chances of recovering are significantly higher if treatment begins in the first stages of the disease. There are 2 types of ulcer that can cause pain and complications and those are gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
The ulcer is an actual open wound that develops in the digestive tract. Proper treatment is always necessary if pain is to be avoided or complications like infection. The gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are most commonly reffered to as peptic ulcers. The gastric ulcer forms in the stomach of the patient while the duodenal ulcer forms in the small intestine near to the stomach. Studies done on quite a large number of people have come up with some interesting numbers: according to them duodenal ulcer is actually more common than gastric ulcer. If there are any chances to best fight the ulcer and to permanently get rid of it early diagnosis and treatment is imperative.
Symptoms don’t vary as much, like in the cases of other disorders. The most common and typical symptoms is the burning pain that the patients feel in the lower chest or in the upper abdomen ( where the stomach is situated). This rather uncomfortable pain can last either a few minutes or can even go on for hours. Because of the ulcer regular eating is severely disrupted thus the tendency of some patients to lose weight. Also loss of appetite can also be present along side anemia and nausea. In the severe cases the action of the pain can even cause the specific person to vomit severely. The pain has a habit of going away only to return after a while in even greater intensity. The action of the pain can differ from person to person some maybe feeling it immediately after eating while others not at all or a few hours after eating their last meal. Knowing what kind of food produces the worst kind of pain is a very important thing for people suffering from ulcers if the production of the specific gastric acid is to
be avoided.
Scientist have discovered that the colpret for most of the ulcers is a distinctive bacteria called ‘H. pylori’. Situations are most often aggravated by the increase of level in the stomach acid. It has even been discovered that the use of some drugs, especially in high cuantities, can lead to ulcer. Some scientist believe that some medicine to blame would be arthritis drugs used against swellings in the joints. Even the common aspirin has been proven to cause some irritation in the stomach that has ulcer. An unhealthy way of life with the abuse of alcohol, coffee, tiggarets and even drugs will most certainly cause the ulcer to appear at some point in the person’s life. Drinks that have a high amount of soda and caffeine present some of the strongest dangers to people when it comes to ulcer. The most common cause for ulcer is most certainly irregular eating and rushing during meal time.About the author:
More information about ulcer or about ulcer Symptoms can be found on this website http://www.ulcer-center.com/