Understanding fibromylgia
- By:groshan fabiola
The most common symptoms that are present in fibromylgia patients would be achy pain through out the body, stiffness in the soft tissue ( muscles, tendons and ligaments) and the constant sensation of discomfort. Actual alternatives of the disease have been found, each with mostly the same symptoms but with a unique factor that makes them different from all the other forms. For example while in some swelling is present in other this is not, but other symptoms are.
It has been found out that in the cases of generalized fibromylgia women tend to be the dominating patients ( some 7 out of 10 are women). Symptoms in this particular case are pain and stiffness through out the entire body. The most likely to suffer from this symptoms are middle-aged women.
Secondary fibromylgia is in the cases of the patients that also have an underlying disorder; disorders like systematic lupus or arthritis may be some cases on underling causes.
Localized fibromylgia has been found to have roughly the same symptoms as the generalized form, the only factor differing s that in this case the pain and stiffness tends to affect only particular areas of the body like: neck or shoulders and even the jaw of the patient. The different thing here is that this form of the disease has more effectiveness on male subjects, and this is roughly because they tend to have more physical activities. Cases have been known where the localized form of fibromylgia has turned general after a certain amount of time.
Fibromylgia has been found not to be life threatening for the patient, but still it can make its life somewhat difficult and disrupted.
Definite causes for this illness have yet to be found; while this is unknown in the cases of primary fibromylgia, in the cases of the generalized form causes are believed to be tiring and excessive physical activies, poor sleep, repetive strains and injuries on the body and exposure to certain natural elements such as dampness and excessive coolness. In the case of localized fibromylgia causes have been found out to be severe muscle strains.
Symptoms of fibromylgia may vary from person to person, but the most common of them are by far aching stiffness and pain that gradually tend to take a grip on the patient even worsening some times. Unique for the localized form is the sudden and sharp pain that grips the muscles usually right after intense physical activities. If the normal amount of rest is not kept by the patient the pain tends to increase or worsen, the muscle being very sensitive afterwards to even the smallest of touches. Flare ups can also occur causing eventual muscle tightness or even spasms. Soft tissue is the area most likely to be affected.
Doctors have yet to find an all and good treatment for the disease but progress is being made in understanding the disease and its way of action upon the living human body.About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia symptoms please visit this link http://www.fibromyalgia-info-center.com/fibromyalgia-symptoms.htm