Usage of oral medication to treat diabetes

By:groshan fabiola

The normal action of oral medication in fighting hypoglycemia is that is somehow tells the body to produce insulin, the insulin its self afterwards reducing the level of glucose in the blood. These medication are usually taken if dieting and exercising have had little or no results at all on the glucose level. They shouldn’t be considered a substitute for the insulin, diet or the exercising done the help the body with the insulin production. While doctors have yet to find an answer for the direct process in witch these oral medicine trigger the increase of insulin, they are content with the fact that they manage to do their work for the patients. Studies have shown that a number of people with certain features are more likely to respond well and fast to the oral medication treatment. People over 40 or those who have had the diabetes for less than 5 years tend to respond very good; the same thing applies to those ho have never taken insulin before the age of 40 or ho have had insulin but in very small dosage

s. In the case of pregnant women there is another situation though; because of the unknown side effects it can have on the unborn baby usage of the drug is very un recommended.

In many cases oral diabetes medication is used on top of having a diet and an exercised schedule. It should be kept in mind that these medication are not a substitute for those mentioned earlier.

The Food and Drug Administration together with the agency of Federal Government have announced that all oral diabetes medications should have a warning for heart diseases although no cases have been found so far, and even though patients are using them widely with out any side effects at all. The risks of taking certain drugs should always be evaluated with help of the doctor.

On today’s market an only class of oral diabetes medicine is being used and that is sulfonylureas. In this class we find about six types of drugs each effecting the body in its own way and having its own methods of fighting the illness. Prescription of this drug will be made by the doctor accordingly to each patients needs, health status and of course medicinal side effects.

Because the porpoise of the oral diabetes medicine is to lower the level of glucose in the blood, the patient has to eat regularly and not to over exercise him self so that the glucose won’t be fluctuating severely. Other complications may appear because of usage of other drugs that patient is using to fight other illnesses.

Doctors should always be aware of their patients medicine and status if the medicine is to be prescribed correctly.

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So, if you want to find out more about symptoms of diabetes or even about type 2 diabetes please follow this link