Ways of treating hernia

By:groshan fabiola

Hernia is a muscle tissues problem. Hernia is classified in three categories: inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia and incisional hernia. Its treatment seams to be evolving in the last decades because of the introduction of the tension-free repair, the laparoscopic repair or because of the development of clinics specialized in treating hernia. The evolution continues so we might think that other ways of treatment will be developed.

After the first symptoms the patients should see a doctor. In cases of hernia the symptoms are bulges under the skin, often problems caused by prolonged standing or sitting and terrible pain when lifting. Most of the cases are treated by surgery. More than 600.000 people a year chose this method in order to treat hernia. Even though a high percentage of the patients chose this method, surgery is not recommended in all the cases. For elder men with small hernias surgery is not the best alternative. People who suffer from other diseases are also not advised to take that chance.

Day surgery is a method that is recommended in many cases. The facts that may affect this kind of intervention might be age, frailty, a high distance from the surgical center, or inappropriate home circumstances. In order to avoid unpleasant circumstances people should present to a pre admission clinic before coming for surgery. This recommendation will be able to answer a few questions that people with hernia are thinking about. Detailed explanations about their problem, about preoperative and postoperative instructions are given.

People should choose properly the way they want to be treated. They should ask a specialist that might convince them what is the best choice. In children, for example, the operation of choice is herniotomy. Adults are able to choose between herniotomy and mesh repair even though for them highly recommended is the repair of hernia using a mesh.

The best treatment for primary inguinal hernias is considered to be the Lichtenstein repair. Not being a hard to do procedure this type of treatment may be used by non-specialist surgeons too. The results of this intervention are less pain and a smaller period of recovering. For bilateral hernias a laparoscopic repair is not only recommended, but necessary.

There are some factors that influence the choice. One of them and one of the most important factors are the pores size. The mesh should not contain pores smaller than 10 um in diameter because these may develop bacteria that makes the pores inaccessible to leukocytes. Pores that are larger then 90 um are not indicated either in order to help the optimal laying down of collage and ingrowths of blood vessels and fibroblasts.

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For more resources about hernia please visit these pages http://www.hernia-guide.com/Inguinal-Hernia.htm or http://www.hernia-guide.com/Hiatal-Hernia.htm