Weight loss Success Stories by Robert S.
- By:Henry Silva
Thomas B., 51
When I was a Teenager and a young adult, I was playing Basketball and Football on a semi-professional level. Therefore, although both my parents are overweight, I never had to look for a good diet for teens, or celebrity diets to follow, because training and a lot of physical activity took care of that for me. And I was laughing at other peoples “Weight loss Success Stories” and I never asked myself, what a good diet is. But once I stopped, the slow process of losing shape started.
I honestly cannot remember, when I was called overweight (or fat) for the first time or when I got the first weight loss tips, but I certainly reached my climax, when my bathroom scale showed 107 kilograms at a height of 180 cm. This was the moment, where I realised; I have to do something, to lose weight and what I wanted most, was a quick weight loss.
As almost everybody, my first approach to quick weight loss was, to try to find a diet, which suits me. Unfortunately I never asked, what a good diet is, I just tried what sounded and looked nice. Atkins, Lemon Juice, Grapefruit diet, Eggs, Celebrity Diets – you name it, I tried it. All of them showed at the beginning some success, I lost weight, but very soon I just lost my willpower and I was back on normal eating and logically back on my old weight. Up and down that was my weight over the next 2 years.
Angry and disappointed, I now started to read the “weight loss success stories” of other people and I got interested in books like “You on a diet” or “Weight loss for Dummies”. And the more I informed myself, the more I realised, there is not really a diet for me, which suits all my needs and tastes. But more and more I saw stories and articles about diet pills, especially about Hoodia Gordonii.
Although the stories about Hoodia Gordonii sounded quite logical, I was sceptical. However, I decided to give it a shot and I ordered 1 month supply of Hoodia. 1 month was, in my opinion, a fair amount of time and I was determined to stay on it for the whole month, no matter what.
My first supply of Hoodia Gordonii arrived in April 2005 and I never looked back since. My weight dropped 25 kg within 6 month and I still was eating everything I liked, just less. After this drop, I stopped Hoodia completely, but realised that I was soon back to gaining weight, because I had to face the truth: my self-discipline was not what it should be. But it was no problem, because as soon as I started with Hoodia again, I ate less and my weight dropped.
Nowadays I am at a constant weight, between 80 and 83 kg. I am eating everything I like, just smaller amounts, because I am not so hungry anymore. My metabolism is excellent and I generally feel healthy. So if one asks me, what is a good diet, or if someone wants weight loss tips, my only answer is: Hoodia Gordonii!
I found the right solution to lose and control my weight and so I do not need to read them anymore, I can write my personal “weight loss success stories”!About the author:
Written by Robert S., of Hoodia Diet Shop, an expert on Hoodia Gordonii since many years. After some personal diet-experiences, concentrated on Hoodia Gordonii and is now deeply convinced that Hoodia is the leading appetite suppressant available.