What puts you at risk of developing colon cancer?

By:groshan fabiola

There are several known factors that increase the risk of a person developing colon cancer. These factors can be split into two categories: the ones that you can have control over and the second category those that you have no control over.

What you eat can make a difference in developing colon cancer. As you can see, this is a factor that we have some control over. Studies have shown that eating fat or fatty foods increases the risk of developing colon cancer. Furthermore, if your diet does not contain the necessary amount of fiber, then you are at risk of developing colon cancer as well. So, believe it or not, diet is a factor when talking about colon cancer. You should try to avoid those foods that have a lot of fat in them, although I know they are so tasty. If you care about your health and also want to lower the risk of colon cancer, you will!

Environment is also another risk factor for colon cancer. You can say that this factor is somewhere between those two categories. Studies have shown that people that live in industrialized countries are more at risk of developing colon cancer. The actual cause of getting colon cancer is not known, but because the majority of people that suffer from colon cancer live in these areas, then you can safely say that environment is one of the risk factors.

Age is also a risk factor when it comes to colon cancer. Unfortunately, we have no control over this factor. This is probably one of the most important factors in developing colon cancer. Because we have no control over it, all we can do is try to detect colon cancer when we approach a certain age. If found in it' s early stages, colon cancer can be cured. This is the reason why, doctors advice people over fifty to have colon cancer tests every year.

Another risk factor on the list of factors that we have no control over is family history. If there is colon cancer history in your family, then you are more at risk of developing colon cancer as well. Furthermore, if there is also history of polyps or bowel disease, then that puts you at risk of having colon cancer too. In these cases, doctors usually recommend screening for colon cancer earlier than in other colon cancer risk people.

About the author:
For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link http://www.colon-cancer-center.com. You can also find valuable information about colon cancer diet or even about stage3 colon cancer