What triggers eczema?

By:groshan fabiola

There are many people that suffer from eczema and do not really know the reason why their eczema flares- up from time to time. However, there is reason to believe that in some cases of eczema, irritants are the cause of the eczema flare- ups. There can also be other factors as well that can trigger an eczema. Some of the possible irritants and triggers of an eczema are listed below.

The most common eczema triggers are detergents and even soaps. What these aubstances do is to take the natural oil from your skin, making it more eczema " friendly". They dry your skin and also make it itchy, so it becomes more sensitive and these are some of the causes of the eczema flare-ups. So the best thing to do in an eczema case is to avoid soap, even bubble baths. The substitute fro this products when suffering from an eczema are emollients. Another thing that you should do is wear some rubber gloves whenever using detergents so your eczema does not flare up. Also you should rinse your clothes very well, because detergents can be irritants. However, it is believed that the detergents that we use daily do not worsen an eczema.

Another category to avoid when having an eczema are perfumes and toiletries. Many people that suffer from an eczema think that perfumes, make- up can be very irritating for the skin, thus producing an eczema flare -up. The material that clothes are made of is also very important in cases of eczema. Cotton should be worn rather than wool, if you have an eczema. However, the smoothness of the material may make the difference in eczema irritants. As long as the material is smooth, it may be just as good as cotton, thus not damaging the skin and producing an eczema flare-up. The temperature is also a deciding factor in cases of eczema. A person that suffers from eczema should avoid getting too cold or even too got, that is to avoid extreme temperatures. Humidity can also be a flare- up in cases of eczema.

Scratching your skin for many different reasons can also make your eczema worse. People may scratch for many reasons, even if they are stressed. This habit should be stopped right away if you do not want to make eczema even worse than it is. Also there are cases when food can cause allergies, which in turn make a case of eczema worse. Milk, nuts, soya and fish are some of the most common foods that can trigger symptoms of eczema in a person.

About the author:
For more resources about eczema or even about dyshidrotic eczema please review http://www.eczema-info-guide.com