When to keep the patient at home?

By:groshan fabiola

The five day exclusion:

The five day exclusion policy is a policy put into action by different schools and day care centers to prevent the spreading of chicken pox. But a very important fact eludes them and that is: the disease is contagious from 2 days before the rash appears making the five day exclusion practically ineffective. The illness is most infectious from 12 to 24 hours before the rash appears on the pacient. We all know that the virus spreads not only directly by touch, but also indirectly by inhaling the infected air around the people that have just coughed.

A study made in the schools that had applied the policy has actually shown that the measures taken by the board of school didn’t stop the disease from spreading, and that is because the virus had already passed on to other children.

Kids suffering from milder forms can actually participate in all activities at school taking in consideration the fact that the low fever has passed and they have a number of less then 30 spots. In this case children should be aloud to get back to school or child care as soon as they are fit to do so, regardless of the state of their rash.

Children with chicken pox should not be given aspirin, and if their state of health doesn’t improve after 2 ore 3 days they shouldn’t be aloud back in schools.

Medical attention should be looked after if the following occur:

-the fever lasts more than two days and is over 38.5°

-the fever returns after a few days from getting away

-chicken pox spots become enlarged, red or very sore

-the child pacient looks very ill

-doubts about the mildness of the disease appear

In all the pacient should always be looked after and the doctor noticed if any complications appear. Treatment should also be appropriate and be given under the supervision of a specialized staff.

In normal cases, having the disease shouldn’t be a problem for the pacients, the body being strong it can easily fight the disease. Sometimes though complications may appear in the case of people that already suffer from a chronicle disease, or are on different treatments such as taking steroids ( for asthma ). There is an especially grate risk for complications, and also for the baby, in the case of pregnant mother that come down with the disease just about the time they are ready to give birth.

Doctors should at all times be checked with to get through the disease with no problems.

About the author:
For more information about treatment for chicken pox or even about chicken pox please review this page http://www.chicken-pox-center.com/