Which is best: drugs or diet?

By:groshan fabiola

Many people today suffer from cholesterol problems and the number grows larger every day. One reason for this might be that people are too busy with work, school , family to worry about the food that they eat. Most of us just grab a snack, or eat from fast foods or take out and do not have time to put that much thought into what we are eating. So at the end of the day we stop and think why to we have cholesterol? Well, this is the reason why!

The topic that most concerns now that we are faced with this problem is: what do we do? Do we choose the fast way and take medication, or try a diet? Well, this is mostly for your doctors to decide, but note that the first thing you should do is try a diet before choosing to take drugs. Sometimes when the patients level of cholesterol is high, both diet and medication is required. When choosing what option is best for you, doctors also have in mind a lot of different aspects.

For example, if you or any of your family members have any kind of heart or lung problems, treatment starts sooner than for a person that has no such problems. Doctors decide when to start treatment and what kind you should use depending on the level of cholesterol that you have. When the number is bigger than 180 mg/ dl, a diet and drugs are necessary in order for you to get better.

However, before you can get therapy through diet, doctors must make sure that you do not suffer from secondary effects of hypercholesterolemia.

After you have been ok' d for the diet therapy, the next step you should take is to see a dietitian. He/ she can give you proper advice on what to eat, and can also work in groups, together with your family, so you can get the best support. If the dietitian believes that you cannot handle a diet, he/ she will prescribe drugs for you. This is very likely to happen to people that suffer from heart problems.

Dieting can be very cruel at times and very difficult, but it is a very good solution for your problems. Drugs may cause side effects, but healthy food can only do you a world of good. But before trying any of these solutions, remember to see a doctor and discuss this with him/ her first.

About the author:
For greater resources on cholesterol please review http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com/low-cholesterol-food.htm or http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com/high-cholesterol.htm