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Gout- warning signs
A gout attack strikes when you least expected it, that is to say at night. When you are sleeping peacefully, you suddenly feel some tenderness in the large joint of your big toe. That is a gout flare. That area suddenly becomes swollen, red and extr...
Different types of urine tests
Nowadays different types of urine tests can be done to find if bladder infection exists. Three types of urine tests like urinalysis (U/A), microscopic urinalysis (U/A micro) and urine culture are used. In the doctor's office or a lab urinalysis (U/A...
Concerns about bird flu
Asia is one of the most affected areas when it comes to the influenza A H5N1, or bird flu. Countries like China, Korea, India or Vietnam had to face the bird flu pandemics. In the year when all Asia was thinking about the tsunami that swept across t...
Chicken pox treatment and prevention
Chicken pox is caused by varicella zoster, a virus that also causes shingles. Years after your child has suffered from chicken pox, that virus may reappear as a rash named shingles. However, this can happen to a very small amount of chicken pox pati...
What you have to do if you got a strep throat
Strep throat is a disease caused by Group A streptococci bacteria. It is very important to treat this disease, because, there are cases when it causes arthritis or heart problems. When the doctor founds out that the patient has strep throat, he will...
What is to know about ringworm
Many answers are searched when it comes to ringworm. We know that it is a fungal infection that is very contagious and spreads in different ways. It is caused by microorganisms called dermatophytes that live in the dead tissues of the skin or any ot...
What is multiple sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in your nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is actually the inflammation of the central part of this system. This disease, multiple sclerosis, is more common in younger people. Furthermore, mu...
What happens after the laparoscopic gall bladder surgery?
Medicine has evolved in time and nowadays there is no need for your doctor to make a very big incision in order to remove your gall bladder. Laparoscopic surgery is the next step in gall bladder removal. With the help of a tube, which inserted throu...
What are plant sterol and stanol and how useful are they to our health?
Many people worry about their health and try to protect its integrity as much as possible. People have heard about walnuts, salmon, and oatmeal and know that these foods are good in lowering the level of cholesterol in blood. But not many people hav...