Anti Aging Supplements - The Whole Truth
- By:John Wellington
Now that I am getting older, I'm beginning to think about how to keep my body in peak physical condition as I age. I know a lot of people who take anti aging supplements , but I don't know. It seems like it might be just a fad. I mean, I eat nutritiously, run ten miles a day, and try to get the full nine hours forty-five minutes of sleep a night which my body seems to crave. I'm just skeptical that I could even do any better than that. Nonetheless, I guess aging supplements are worth looking into.
I've recently seen a few anti aging supplements attracting a lot of good reviews. DHEA, for example, is supposed to be good. It is a substance produced by the bodys adrenal glands, but as you gets older, its level plummets and people see it as a bad thing. According to scientists, DHEA is one of the best aging supplements because it is such a vital part of your own health and internal chemistry. Taking it increases levels of testosterone, as well as growth factor, which helps the body repair damaged cells or replacing them with new, functional ones.
Another of the aging supplements which is supposed to be good is flaxseed oil. Actually, it is not only flaxseed oil, but anyone of a number of oils containing essential fatty acids, including fish oil also. These acids are supposed to exert a powerful anti aging effect and contribute to fighting free radicals. Unfortunately, no one has been able to yet explain to me what all of that means, but I know many people who swear by their oil anti aging supplements daily, so there might be something to it.
Personally, I'm not sure how much difference all of these aging supplements really make compared to good old fashioned exercise. For me, not only is it elevating to get out running, jogging, or swimming, but it makes me feel younger. On days when I do it, I feel young and energetic and full of life, while when I don't I feel as if the years have really taken the toll on me.
There is, in my opinion, no miraculous anti aging supplement which will instantly solve all our problems. Rather, it is only a lifestyle issue. Just keep doing your best each and every day to live a healthy and active life, while eating right and avoiding unhealthy habits. A glass of wine before bed, and no whiskey before noon I always say. My daddy told me that. He could not possibly go wrong.
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