Bad Breath is Offensive to All
- By:John Gibb
Bad breath is one of those things that people spend incredible amounts of money each year trying to combat. And rightly so, no one wants to find that they are offensive to others, well most ordinary people do not. Some actually quite enjoy that prospect. They go into politics as a general rule. But, I digress. The battle against bad breath is making mint and gum manufacturers, dentists, toothpaste makers, and mouthwash companies quite wealthy.
We’ve all been around those whose breath we found offensive and remember those experiences as quite unpleasant. We chew gum, buy mints by the case and yet we continue to eat and drink the very foods the produce a healthy environment for bad odors in our mouths. Why on earth do we do this? The truth is that at some point every one of us has had bad breath. I can’t stand the thought of even speaking to anyone in the morning until I have thoroughly brushed my teeth and feel confident that my morning breath is under control. Some mornings I find I am particularly paranoid and brush a few times before leaving the house.
The best way to combat bad breath is to brush your teeth immediately after every time you eat or drink anything other than water. Flossing regularly will also assist in removing odor-causing bacteria that gets caught between your teeth and mouthwash is never a bad choice. The actual truth is that using mints and gums could be counterproductive unless they are sugar free as sugar promotes a healthy environment for the growth of bacteria.
While following this advice will not by any means eliminate the possibility of your having bad breathe, it should greatly reduce the frequency of which it occurs. Try these things and see how well they work for you.
About the author:
John Gibb is the owner of Bad Breath guides, For more information on bad breath please check out