Cosmetic Surgery - What Is It?

By:Juliet Cohen

Geting the body of your dreams and looking better than ever has never been within the reach of so many. There are operations that can be done on almost any part of your body to aesthetically enhance your appearance. Cosmetic surgery offers the potential to improve many areas of the body. Cosmetic surgery aims to change your appearance by altering parts of your body. Cosmetic surgery has been gaining popularity throughout the US over the years. The top cosmetic procedures for men were liposuction, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, male breast reduction and hair transplantation. Cosmetic surgery isn't covered by most health insurance. The costs vary depending on the procedure performed and may range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, offers a solution to any problems associated with the shape of the ears. Variations include surgery to reduce large ears, large earlobes, or to reshape the cartilage.

Cosmetic surgery's goal is positive change. Enlargement of the breasts by means of implants, is a very effective cosmetic surgery, suitable for women with insufficiently developed breasts or when the mammary gland system is shedding and the skin is slightly loose, as may be the case after breast feeding or significant weight loss. The cosmetic surgery operation removes excess skin in the neck and face and results in partial smoothing of some wrinkles. The cosmetic surgery operation removes excess skin in the neck and face and results in partial smoothing of some wrinkles. Lower eyelid surgery involves the removal or repositioning of the fatty tissues responsible for under-eye bags. Eyelid swelling and bruising under the eyes are common post-operative syndromes. A rest regime and careful cold compresses, applied with pressure, are recommended for the ten days.

Cosmetic surgical procedure involves, certain common risks. Aspiration can cause mild discomfort, and can also lead to infections, chronic cough, an obstruction in the lungs or pneumonia. Infection, dry eye problems, bleeding, blindness and damage to nerves, blood vessels and muscles within the eye are just a few complications that can occur when eyelid surgery is done. A blood clot in the veins can be fatal. Longer operating time and general anesthesia increase the risk of a DVT. Less serious risks comprises of allergic reactions, asymmetry, unceasing pain, delayed or prolonged healing of the affected area, permanent or temporary eyelash hair loss, scarring, and dissatisfaction with the end result, among others. Asymmetry: risks of moderate or severe asymmetries may require a second surgery immediately after the first one.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for anti aging tips and free beauty tips. For more information on beauty visit our site at