Creating Your Own Perfume

By:joseph hanoa

Creating your own perfume is not impossible. It is not even difficult. You can even do it in the privacy of your own home. All you need is the right ingredients and the time to experiment with different mixes until you find something that you like. You should write down the combinations as you try them so you have a record of the formulas. This way when you find the one you like, you can easily duplicate it in the future. This way you can have your own personalized perfume, just like the celebrities do.

The ingredients for making perfumes are readily available in stores and online. You will need three basic ingredients: scented oils, water and alcohol. You should use alcohol that is especially made for perfume since they are denatured and probably will not contain the impurities that other kinds will. These perfumers’ alcohol bases are available from many places on the internet and they are not overly expensive running approximately six dollars for eight ounces.

There are different kinds of scents that serve different purposes. A scent is classified in terms of how long the scent lingers or lasts. This measurement is in terms of weights or notes. A base note is the longest lasting scent. The characteristic base notes are the woody scents like cinnamon and vanilla. This is the scent that will linger after the full strength of the perfume wears off. Top notes are the shortest lasting scent. Lavender and lemon are characteristic of top notes. These will be the first scents to diminish from the full strength of the perfume. The duration of middle notes is less than base notes but longer lasting that top notes. Geranium and nutmeg are two oils representative of middle notes. The different combinations of base, middle and top notes are what make a distinctive perfume scent. The cost of these different oils varies, depending on the scent. Oils can range in price from two dollars to sixty dollars per half ounce. The cost of the perfume you make depends obviously on the kinds and numbers of oils that you use. It will probably be a little costly to develop your own scent since you will need to purchase a variety of different scents to mix as you experiment to find the one that you like. Once you develop the scent that you want, you keep the formula and only buy the ingredients that you require. As with anything, the costs are in the development.

About the author:

Joseph is the proud owner of All Fragrance, a website that will explain everything you need to know about Cologne and Perfume. We invite you to visit our site today and see what we have to offer.