Discover Natural Remedy for Yeast Infections
- By:Bob Janeway
Yeast infections can rebound and are unpleasant to start with so if you are dealing with one it is not hard to understand why you would want to know how to best rid yourself of it in a way that will minimize any side effects. Over the counter medications may give you unpleasant side effects such as: allergies, discoloration, drying of the skin, peeling, and redness. Many people are turning to self-help and natural remedies to treat their yeast infection.
Self-care tips:
There are some foods that actually encourage yeast growth so knowing what to avoid is the first step in preventing a rebound situation. Here are some to avoid:
Processed and junk foods
Items that contain wheat or white flour
Dairy products including milk
Beverages and foods that contain caffeine
Foods that will help you to combat the recurrence of yeast infections are: flax seeds, fruits and vegetables, nuts, poultry and fish, and whole grains.
Personal Hygiene:
Do not share bathing areas, pools, baths or any public place where you immerse your body.
Use a condom during sexual contact but avoid using those that use nonoxynol-9 lubricant.
Stay away from scented products such as sanitary napkins, body sprays and tampons.
Do not wear tight clothing including undergarments. Cotton clothing is best.
Natural Yeast Infection Remedies:
Garlic, Yogurt, and Tea Tree Oil have all shown to be helpful natural remedies for yeast infections.
Garlic - has been used as an antifungal and yeast killer for ages. To prepare - wrap the garlic in a piece of cheesecloth. If you do not have cheesecloth a piece of first aid gauze will do. Tie up the ends with dental floss so it is easier to remove in the morning. Place the wrapped garlic into the infected vagina overnight. This may take a few applications. Be really careful that you are not allergic to garlic because if you are allergic, do not do this remedy.
Many women have used yogurt for ages as a healthy snack and to get rid of yeast. It contains lactobacillus acidophilus, which produces hydrogen peroxide and that is an antibacterial. You must use the plain, non-sugared kind of yogurt and spread some on the infected vulva and vagina as you would a topical medication. Eating the yogurt helps too.
You can drink cranberry juice to lower your pH of your urine which in turn the acidity inhibits the yeast infection from spreading. Many women swear by vinegar douches.
Before inserting a tampon immerse it in tea tree oil mixed with olive oil or KYAbout the author:
Robert is the owner of blog. Rebalance your body and achieve lasting candida yeast freedom!