Do You Know The Top Homemade Remedies to Beat Your Dry Damaged Hair?
- By:louise forrest
When people have problems with their hair, they automatically look for shop bought hair care products, conditioners and treatments. However, did you know that there are some homemade remedies which you can easily create, which can often work ten times better than a shop bought one?
The reason so many of us do not create homemade remedies is down to a few things. Either we claim we have not got the time, or we think it will be too expensive and too much of a hassle. However, often it takes only a few minutes to create homemade products, and it is usually a lot cheaper too! So if you have never thought about creating your own homemade remedies for your dry, damaged hair, now maybe the time to start!
Some of the Best Homemade Remedies for Dry, Damaged Hair
There are homemade remedies for all hair types and dry hair is no different. Hair Masks are often the best things for dry, damaged hair as they help to lock in moisture and they also deeply moisturize the hair.
Homemade hair Masks
Another cause of dry hair could be due to your diet. In order to have healthy skin, hair and nails, you need plenty of good, fatty acids which you can get from foods such as oily fish including salmon and tuna, and flaxseed oil is also good. You can add flaxseed oil to your diet by adding two tablespoons a day to foods such as potatoes or even popcorn! Many people do not like the sound of flaxseed oil but it actually has a nutty, buttery flavor so most people do not actually mind it once they have tried it.
There are quite a few different homemade hair masks you can create, all with their own unique fragrance, so there should be one to suit you. The most nourishing one has to be the Olive Oil hair mask.
The Olive Oil hair mask is created by using 5 tablespoons of olive oil with two eggs. Mix them both together and apply them to the hair, wrapping the hair in a plastic wrap or a shower cap. Allow it to stand for 15 minutes before thoroughly rinsing it off.
If you want soft, shiny hair, a good homemade remedy to use is to mix chamomile flowers, comfrey root, elder flowers and nettle, with boiling water. It is best to use one tablespoon of the herbs and enough boiling water, then leave them to stand for half an hour. After it has been left to stand, add 1/4 cup cider vinegar and it them well.
Shampoo the hair as normal, and then pour the mixture you have created, over the hair repeatedly. The vinegar in the mixture helps to seal the hair cuticles. You can also create similar remedies for all different hair types; you just have to use different herbs.
Remedy For Really Damaged Hair
A good homemade remedy for really damaged hair includes mashing a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil. Apply the mixture to the hair, massaging it in, and then rinse with soda water and shampoo and condition as usual. This adds a little extra protection and helps to seal the hair and prevent any breakage.
How to Beat Split, Damaged and Hair Which Falls Out
If your dry hair problem is quite severe, you may notice that parts of it are splitting and falling out. Many people find in this situation, Indian Gooseberry really helps. If you rub it into the scalp regularly it can produce excellent results and it really does help to stop the hair from falling out.
If you suffer from split hair, a good remedy includes oiling your hair twice a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice.
Overall, there are many different home remedies you can try and most of them do not take long to make. They are natural and so they are gentle on your hair, and your hair will really appreciate the lack of chemicals! If you are unsure of where to find homemade remedies for your dry, damaged hair, you should be able to find some books, or there are hundreds of remedies to be found online.
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