Do You Know the Main Causes of Dry, Damaged Hair?

By:louise forrest

If you have dry, damaged hair you may be wondering what actually caused it. Split ends, that horrible straw feeling, and hair that constantly snaps off every time that you brush it can really be a nightmare! How can you prevent it from happening again, if you do not know what caused it in the first place?

The Many Causes of Dry Hair

If you have recently developed dry, damaged hair there could be a wide number of reasons. You should know by now with all the warnings that electrical items such as straighteners, hair dryers and curling tongs, all dry out the hair if enough protection is not used. However, there other lesser known factors that can cause dry hair, so if you do use protection and yet you still have dry hair, there could be a number of reasons why.

Medical Conditions

Some people develop dry hair after suffering from various medical conditions. Eating disorders often have negative effects on the hair and people suffering from anorexia commonly have dry hair. This is because the hair does not get the nutrients that it needs from the food which we eat.

Malnutrition is again another cause of dry hair related to what we eat. Dry hair is often a sign that you are not getting enough omega 3 fatty acids into the body which is commonly found in fish such as salmon and tuna, and flaxseed oil.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body does not produce enough thyroid hormones, and this in turn can cause dry hair. Another condition which causes it includes Hypoparathyroidism which is where not enough parathyroid hormones are created and dry hair is often an early sign of the condition.

Environmental Conditions

The sun often causes the hair to become dry as there is not enough humidity and the heat really soaks in the essential oils on the scalp. People who love to swim a lot will also have various problems with their hair, as well as the winter weather. So always take care of your hair in all weathers, and try not to expose it to too much sun or chlorine in the water. The chlorine actually strips the hair of its essential oils and so a swimming cap is highly recommended every time you do want to swim.

Your Occupation

Not many people even consider that their job could be contributing towards their dry, damaged hair. Lifeguards in particular may have problems due to the constant exposure to the chlorine. Likewise, anybody who works outside in all weathers will have a problem too.

Over washing and Using Harsh Products

Many people make the mistake of over washing their hair. You would think that if you washed your hair daily, it would solve the dryness, but in fact it can make it worse. Over washing causes the hair to be stripped of its natural moisture which it needs, and that will cause the hair to become dry.

Using harsh products on the hair is also a bad thing to do. You may not even realize that the products you are using are harsh, however if you look on the back of the shampoo or conditioner, if you see alcohol listed in the ingredients, the product is too harsh for your hair.

Overall conditioner should be used whenever you wash your hair, and that should be roughly two to three times a week. Obviously if your job is causing your dry hair, there is not a lot you can do about it and you should simply try to protect it as much as possible by using a gentler shampoo.

Dry hair has so many causes that often it is hard to know what has brought it on in the first place. It is treatable though, and buying the right products for your hair type is one of the best things you can do to treat your dry hair.

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