Does Propecia Work? Suspicion Eliminates Only After Its Use
- By:Alan Anderson
Asking questions and understanding things around with the help of intelligent questioning, is human nature. This is a good approach because naivety always brings losses while knowledge leads to benefits. If you are suffering from male pattern baldness (Androgenic Alopecia) then it becomes essential to know that how it affects and how it can be treated.
Numerous men are suffering from male pattern baldness, but there are only a few who know about root cause of this disease. Those who know about the root cause of male pattern baldness have control over this disease and rest goes along with it.
Male pattern baldness is the result of unwanted effect of an essential hormone. Testosterone is that hormone which causes male pattern baldness. This hormone is secreted in the body to turn up a male child into a fully developed adult man. Testosterone stimulates all those processes which bring changes in the body of a male child. These changes include development of muscles different parts body, generation of moustaches, growth of beard and growth of pubic hair. Testosterone provides potential to a man but testosterone after completion of its work synthesizes into Dihydotestosterone (DHT), which is accumulated in the hair follicles in scalp. Due to clogging of DHT hair follicles contracts; this leads to thinning and falling of hair.
Since testosterone is vital for the body therefore its production cannot be restricted but the drug which can stop conversion of testosterone into DHT can be a treatment for male pattern baldness. Propecia is a prime medication of this category and has proved to be successful in more than 90% cases.
Propecia is a FDA approved oral-prescription medication which restricts the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Instead of changing into DHT, testosterone is synthesized into 5-Alpha DHT and this compound does not produce any harm to hair follicles. After using Propecia, hair follicles on scalp remain open, which facilitate growth of healthy and strong hair.
This medication is available in tablet form in the volume of 1mg. A pill of this medication should be taken daily with water. Empty stomach is not essential for taking this medication, as you can take it with or without meals. Doctor in some cases may restrict you from using Propecia therefore his advice is essential before starting its use.
There may be some mild side effects of Propecia like itching, hypersensitivity and swelling of lips. This is because of non-adjustment of the body to the drug. Side effects occur only in rare cases otherwise the use of drug is safe. FDA’s approval for this medication is the proof for this fact. Although, the side effects if occur, generally disappear with in a short time; but when the symptoms of side effects persist for long, contact a doctor immediately.
Now, there is not need to visit any pharmacist to purchase Propecia because it available at your doorstep through an online order.About the author:
Alan Anderson writes on health, beauty and hairstyles.He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for Hair Care subject.To learn more about Propecia, Hair Care tips, Rogaine, Hair Loss treatment visit