Exposed! The Secret Of Diet And Acne
- By:Wycliffe Williams Williams
I have read with a tinge of sadness the numerous articles about acne. My sadness stems from the fact that many don’t seem to get it. But I’ll say it one more time because it is that important.
Acne originates from diet. There…I said it again.
The foundation from which acne makes it appearance stems from diet. I say this again also, you are what you eat. Its as simple as that. Our problem could be that we are missing the forest because there are too many trees.
Don’t look for the complex explanation for why acne makes it appearance. Look to the simple explanation first.
If your light bulb goes out when you’re in bed reading, do you immediately call the electrician? No…of course you don’t. You check to see whether the bulb has blown first. If the bulb is intact, then you check the fuse box right?
Why are we so bent on finding some complex explanation for the cause of acne. Its staring you right in the face.
Understand this; if you sit down to a daily meal of hamburger and french fries, what do you expect to happen? You are supposed to eventually get acne.
Grease and dead meat?
What else do you expect?
The amount of cholesterol in that meal is transferred to your body. It goes to work, slowly but surely setting you up for heart disease, cancer, stroke etc.
Its all in your diet!
Whenever acne rears its ugly whiteheads, the rot has already set in. Acne is a sign of poor food choices. Acne is a certain barometer that the internal body chemistry is unbalanced.
A friend of mine was explaining to me recently how people got acne. He essentially said that the body has a hormone called, (glad I’m writing this), dihydro-testosterone, or more simply DHT. He also told me that everyone has oil glands under the skin. We’re on the same page so far.
He went on to tell me that acne occurs when the oil glands under the skin secretes so much oil that the oil clogs the pores.
This DHT is the bad boy in the chain reaction because it over stimulates the oil glands. They in turn produce too much oil, from the over stimulation.
Once the pores are sufficiently blocked and clogged, whiteheads and blackheads and pimples erupt into acne. So the trick then, is to control DHT isn’t it?
At this juncture, I am unsure of the drug used for tackling DHT. In all honesty I don’t even know if there is such a drug.
Before I go any further, my hat is off to the fine researchers who sleuthed this entire scenario. I’m a firm believer that acne erupts this way. Far be it from me to disbelieve the scientists. They have so much more education than me.
I do have a question though?
When do they advise to take this acne wonder drug?
When acne appears? In that case it’s a bit late.
If they advise to take it on a consistent basis, then I must seriously ask about the side effects?
My friends, lets stop the games, the solution lies in diet.
Look, DHT over stimulates the oil glands in the first place because there is an internal imbalance that needs to be addressed. Address the internal imbalance and DHT will do what it’s rightly supposed to do.
In further articles on acne, I will definitely bring to the table various foods that will help with correct internal imbalance. Until then, continue to take in the most potent thing nature has freely provided for us in our battle against acne, water.
About the author:
Do you realize what separates those who succeed from those who fail? The few who succeed are doers, action people. Take action right now like Wycliffe Williams did. The ebook Acne Cured is your next powerful action step. Get it now for your loved one who suffers with acne