Hide Baldness by Trying a Different Haircut
- By:Tim Bock
If you are balding and you want to hide small or large patches, there are haircuts you can get that will minimize the appearance of the patches. The boldest haircut a balding man can get is to shave their head completely. If you are not comfortable with this type of haircut, then you should probably not attempt it. But, if you want to try it, you may find that shaving your head every few weeks is not that time consuming. You will enjoy the freedom of not having patches of hair and feeling embarrassed about it when out in public.
But if you are not ready to live life without hair, getting a crew cut can help hide small patches of hair that are missing. Shorter hair cuts make other people think that your scalp is still full of hair. This style is easy to maintain and you can vary the lengths you are willing to go. This type of hair cut can work with many scalp shapes and colors of hair. If you have larger bald patches, you may want to grow your hair out a little longer and push the hair to cover the patches. This coverage will be effective only if the patches are near the top of your head. Many times, once the patches are too big to cover, men will just accept the baldness and keep their remaining hair trim, or they will go bald by shaving their heads. This is an inexpensive way to hide bald patches.About the author:
For more hair loss prevention tips, please visit: Hair Loss Solutions a website that specializes in combating hair loss and toupee solutions to thinning hair