How Can You Control Acne?

By:Mark Gardner

Are you finding it difficult to control your acne? Just how can you make those spots disappear? What makes them appear in the first place? We take a look at what causes your acne and how you may be able to prevent it.

Acne is usually formed around the tiny hair follicles that are on your face. Dead cells can block up these follicles and this can all lead to bacteria feeding on these dead cells and multiplying. This will cause that tiny hair follicle to start swelling and then infection will begin to spring forth. This will soon lead to that small red spot we dread seeing in the mirror!

Unfortunately, this process happens deep down inside your hair follicle, so if you see a surface acne treatment, then it can only do so much to help you! Actually, there are some acne remedies that employ rough chemicals or even abrasives. This can actually lead to your acne getting worse under such treatments.

So what can kindle acne to start producing? Well, there are periods in our lives that can incite acne, usually when our hormones are in overdrive. For the males, most problems will occur around puberty and then things should start easing up. As for the ladies, they can also have problems around puberty, but unfortunately for the girls, they can also experience problems with zits during menstruation and also pregnancy.

Extreme stress could initiate acne as well; your blood pressure will increase as will the oil that your face produces, so if you’re getting ready for an exam, don’t be surprised to see one or two spots appearing. New studies show that non-organic milk products could lead to your growth hormones soaring, this could cause acne. It may well be that a food allergy could be the cause of your problem, if you have any reason to think a particular food may be causing your problems with acne, then simply cut it out for a few weeks and see if there’s any improvement.

Acne is always going to a predicament for many throughout puberty. However, look to get yourself on a quality acne treatment system, try and steer clear of refined sugars when you can. If none of the advice within this article is helping to clear up your acne, then it’s probably time to get some help from a dermatologist!

About the author:

Mark Gardner is a popular webmaster and publisher of To learn more about acne control check out his website today!