How To Keep Your Handbag Always Look Good.
- By:Pisan trat
For someone who has bought a brand name luxurious handbag may be quite desperate to find the way how to deliver proper can and maintenance it. There is because luxurious and expensive hand is the huge amount of long term investment. As most of these brand names hand bag is made from leather and this could make many women tired when caring their favourite handbag. This is because leather is the material that is prone to damage from spills, stains, and even the weather. However, leather is only a kind of material that could last longer than any other type if they are properly maintained. The following article described about the way to give proper care for your leather luxurious handbag.
The most important factor could damage your leather handbag is whether conditions. Both humidity and dryness are great natural enemies of leather. Apart form avoid not keeping your handbag away from these danger conditions, you have to use oil or commercial leather conditioners to maintain the proper level of moisture in the leather. Without these conditioners, leather may dry and cracks even though it is kept and neutral temperature. The proper frequency of using conditioner is probably once a week, but it is also depends on the common whether in your area. Apply too often conditioner provides no harmful to leather surface so you may apply more frequent, but once a week is really enough. One thing that you have to be careful is that do not leave your handbag start to distress and you start to use conditioner, because it could be too late.
Water is another thing that may harmful to your handbag. Even though leather already has great ability to resist from wet but you still have to be careful not to let your handbag directly touch with water. But if your handbag becomes wet, use air dryer to fry it as quickly as possible. You have to use lowest speed of hair dryer, otherwise the high degree of heat may destroy the leather structure. Do not let the bag dry without using hair dryer, because it could take longer and this will make damp accumulate on the leather skin then moan will finally appear. Keep the bag away from heat sources and be sure that it is stuffed with tissues.
Condition the handbag once while it is still damp and again after it is completely dry. After you can make sure that the bag is completely dry, remove all stuff from the bag and stuff it with small amount of tissue paper to maintain its shape and dry it again in the well-ventilation room for about 10 minutes.
In fact, stains probably the thing that easiest to clean but it could be also harmful to your handbag if you clean it in the wrong way. The regular dust and stain usually can be cleaned by damp soft clothe or soft sponge. However, the stain is much and quite difficult to clean, you may use a lightweight scouring pad, but you have to do it with extreme caution to avoid scratching the leather.About the author:
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