How to Apply Makeup - Some Tips

By:Juliet Cohen

The general rule is to use one color during the day for a professional look and 2 or three colors during the evening to acquire that party look. Always start from the inner side while applying eye shadow and gradually move towards the outer end taking care to see that the movement is more or less in a straight direction. Using the brush, push back the color so that there is a blended effect. To give the make up an appearance of continuity, just blend those colors using a brush and hey presto you have a unique combination of eye shadow.

Applying Makeup Tips

1. Do not use foundation profusely. Wash off your make-up before retiring to bed. The particles clog the skin-pores, and prevent the skin from inhaling fresh air.

2. For oily skin, a cake foundation is good. Avoid use of foundation with lanolin base. However, you can use a vanishing cream as foundation.

3. If you have a double-chin, apply dark shade foundation underneath, it will appear balanced. You can make your chin prominent by using light shade foundation.

4. Take into account the color of the hair when applying lipstick. Orange shade lipstick will match black hair. For grey hair use pink color lipstick and for golden brown hair use scarlet shade.

Never apply eyeliner or use mascara before applying eye shadow or the concealer for the total effect is ruined. Open your eyes wide, keep the pencil in your strong hand and line the top and then the bottom of the eyes. The pencil should not be blunt. In case you decide to use liquid just get a little onto a brush and gently use the tip to transfer the color. Once the eyeliner is on, graduate to mascara. Take a dry brush, separate the lashes and then apply a thin coat of mascara.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on makeup advice and beauty tips. Visit and for free makeup beauty skincare tips and tricks.