How to Get Rid of Pruritus
- By:Juliet Cohen
Pruritus (Itch) is an uncomfortable sensation. Pruritus (itch) is a common symptom encountered by dermatologists and primary physicians. It is defined as an unpleasant sensation that provokes a desire to scratch. Pruritus is one of the most prominent and disturbing symptoms of skin and other diseases, which was already known to the physicians in the Old Age, including Hippocrates who wrote about it. Pruritus has to be distinguished from pain, burning, tickling, touch and other sensations. It should be stressed that pruritus is a symptom and not a disease. It is a subjective sensation, but sometimes it can be accompanied by excoriations, crusts, hyperpigmentation, lichenification with thickening, increased skin creasing, and burnished nails. It can also lead to pyodermization. Pruritus affects patients of all ages and both sexes. It may be most noticeable and bothersome at night or after bowel movements. An itch from cutaneous (skin-related) stimuli, such as movement of small hairs on the body.
Pruritus(Itch) was thought to be transmitted along the same pathway as pain, although recent research has found that itching has its own neural pathways. An itch caused by histamine is transmitted to the brain by a different neural pathway. Sometimes hemorrhoids will start off as anal itching. For this reason it is important to be examined by a physician. Pinworms can cause sever anal itching and should be thought of if several members of the family have this problem. One can see the worms by putting scotch tape over the area than looking at the tape. In addition, drinking certain beverages, including some alcoholic beverages - especially beer - milk, citrus fruit juices and drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea and cola, may be aggravating for some people. Similarly, some foods that may be a problem include chocolate, fruits, tomatoes, nuts and popcorn. Other rare causes of pruritus ani may include pinworms, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal infections and allergies.
Treatment of Pruritus (Itch)
1.Itching can be treated directly with an antipruritic (antihistamines or mint).
2.Ice and cold water can also be helpful.
3.Sometimes scratching relieves isolated itches, hence the existence of devices such as the back scratcher.
4.Avoid any provocative factors, e.g. dryness of the environment, wearing irritating fabric, overheating, stress, vasodilatation from hot food.
5. Topical applications: Emollient, menthol in calamine lotion can be used.
6.Commonly used oral medication: Antihistamine are most useful in conditions in which antihistamine clearly plays a role, e.g. urticaria.
Home Remedies of Pruritus (Itch).
1.Baking soda battles itches of all kinds. Add 1 cup baking soda to a tub of warm water. Soak for 30 to 60 minutes and air dry. Localized itches can be treated with a baking soda paste. Mix 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Apply to the itch, but do not use if the skin is broken.
2.Add 1 to 2 cups finely ground oatmeal to a warm bath to ease your itches.
3.lemon is also treat itchy skin.
4.Pour a cupful of white vinegar in bath water and soak the body in it for 5-10 minutes.
5.Application of cod liver oil or Aloe Vera to the affected area is also beneficial.
6.Salt free diet is the best when suffering from itchy skin.
7.Application of vitamin E oil is also effective.
8.Neem is an effective remedy for all types of skin problems. Application of neem oil to the affected areas gives relief from itching.
9.Cover the affected area with light paste of coconut oil and limejuice.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on pruritis and acne home remedies. She also writes articles on health care.