Implants for the Buttocks

By:Ricardo Silva

When one thinks of implants, it is almost always in regard to breasts. Buttocks implants, however, are becoming more and more common as a cosmetic enhancement.

Implants for the Buttocks

Cosmetic surgery patients today have a wide range of procedures to choose from. Whether a patient wants to enlarge their breasts, give their face a more youthful appearance, or remove excess fat; there's a surgical solution to fit any patient's needs. What is a person to do, however, if they want a part of the body worked on that isn't commonly augmented? You'd actually be surprised at just what a cosmetic surgeon can do for you with today's technology.

Buttocks implants are one of the newest surgical solutions available to patients today. As people quest for leaner, more muscular bodies, one of the side effects can be that the buttock becomes flatter and less shapely. As larger, curvier buttocks are extremely popular these days (thanks in part to the curvaceous body of Jennifer Lopez), many women are upset when their buttocks become flat from exercise. There are only two options to increase the buttocks size: gaining weight and buttocks implants. Gaining weight is not a healthy or attractive option, so more and more, women and men are opting for the implants.

Buttocks implants are artificial, anatomically shaped silicone pads that are placed in the buttocks to give a shapely appearance. These silicone pads are not dangerous, the way that older breast implants were, because the silicone in the buttocks pads is solid and cannot leak. Incisions are made in one of two places; either where the buttocks meets the thigh, or in the buttocks crease. The buttocks implants are then positioned either below the gluteous maximus muscle, or above it, depending on the shape desired. They are also placed above the sitting area, to avoid putting direct weight and pressure on the implants.

This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, and patients can often go home the same day. As with any surgery, there are risks involved with having buttocks implants. These include infection, reaction to anesthesia, and shifting of the implants, which may cause your buttocks to look asymmetrical. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and pain medication for you to take after surgery.

Buttocks implants are a great way for patients who are unsatisfied with the curve or size of their backside to enhance their look. While definitely not for everyone, patients who are worried about their rear can now do something about it. Both men and women can benefit from the help of these implants.

About the author:

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgery physicians.