Men in Sheepskin Boots

By:Trefor Evans

ince the ugg phenomena hit the UK I have been wearing sheepskin boots and getting taunted by my peers. Is this right?

Everywhere you look, be it in Heat magazine or the Sun you will see celebrities wearing the latest sheepskin fashion boots. So why is it OK for the ladies to look Chic and yet still keep their tootsies warm whereas us chaps have to stick to trainers?

It is now 5 years since I first slipped on a set of boots and from the moment my toes hit the insides I was in love with them. I have since moved to the Alps where you would think that the cold conditions and the excessive strain of a days snowboarding on your feet would lend to a more favourable opinion from the boys. Oh no. Now admittedly I tend to wear my boots around the house as a high class slipper, or when I take off my snowboard boots at the bottom of the slopes and drive back home. Now yesterday, be it lazy or be it a more daring move, I wore them out to the supermarket to fetch my dinner. Lo and behold I bumped into the snowboard crew only for them to look down at my feet and the taunting started. Now it’s a good job that I couldn’t give a hoot what other people think of me, so long as my feet are warm – I’m a happy man.

The question I am posing though is what can we do to promote the sheepskin phenomena into the male market force?

Answers on a postcard

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