Mineral makeup differences

By:christina Harris

Mineral Makeup Differences

How, you ask, can one Mineral Makeup differ from another? There are several reasons actually, the first being economic. Big affiliate companies spend lots of money on the advertising package (sheer/bare) etc. Some (un-named) will take their minerals and fluff them with fillers (corn starch etc) to make more product, and sell it at a similar price.

The facts are the facts. Mineral makeup in its purity is very all natural and simple, and no matter how you cut it, we all use the same minerals. So please ask yourself this question. Why does “A” cost so much more than “B” or these are the same price, but “A” doesn’t have as much product as “B”. Where will you stand!!
Here at CMH Essentials, you can be guaranteed that we use ONLY the all natural minerals with no fillers or additives. Being a family operation, we are not out to rake the consumer. We do not spend millions on the advertising package, so we do not have to bump up the prices. If you have any further questions, please visit http://www.cmhessentials.com.

About the author:
Christina Harris is the owner of CMH Essentials pure mineral makeup with a website at http://www.cmhessentials.com