Mini Tummy Tucks Revealed
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Mini Tummy Tucks Revealed
Choose the right type of tummy tuck
The mini tummy tuck procedure is best suited to people who only have a small amount of fat and skin to be removed from the lower belly area. People with more serious excesses of skin and fat are best advised to research a major panniculectomy, the full tummy tuck option as opposed to a mini tummy tuck procedure. The lower part of the tummy is the main focus of attention during a mini tummy tuck; women who have given birth and whose lower abdomens have been weakened by pregnancy generally gain the most benefit from this procedure. Although abdomen muscles can be tightened during both mini and full tummy tuck procedures, the best results are generally achieved from a full tummy tuck.
A more contoured appearance of the lower abdomen is generally one of the main benefits of a mini tummy tuck this is accomplished by manipulating the surplus skin and fat around the naval area.
The less invasive mini tummy tuck operation is ideally suited to the person looking for minimal correction with the least intrusive surgical procedure. Hospital outpatient surgery centers and office surgical suites are both capable of carrying out the mini tummy tuck procedure. Normally the choice of anesthesia for the mini tummy tuck operation is a general anesthesia but it is not uncommon for a local anesthesia to be used with sedation.
The majority of mini tummy tuck procedures rarely extend beyond the 1-2 hour mark but individual circumstances have been known to warrant a hospital stay. After you surgery you will feel tender and sore in your abdomen area due to some swelling and bruising. This will lessen after a day or two and any stitches will dissolve leaving just the bandages and any support garments to protect the lower stomach area. Your progress should be monitored after surgery in a series of follow up visits to make sure everything is ok. Any discomfort that is apparent after the mini tummy tuck operation can be relieved easily with orally taken pain killers.
The recovery time for mini tuck surgery can depend on each individual patient in most cases patients can get back to normal activities within a few days of the procedure. Vigorous exercise should be avoided but light exercise is recommended to aid the healing process and in the majority of cases most patients can return to work in two weeks. Taking regular exercise and following a balanced diet are crucial to maintaining the normally long lasting results of a tummy tuck. Be realistic about the results you expect to achieve from your tummy tuck and you will not be disappointed.
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Discover more information on Mini Tummy Tucks and Tummy Tucks at Author Robert H authorative site Anyone is free to reproduce this article free of charge providing the author box is reproduced in its entirity with the full and active links.