Perfumes:Technology Challenges The ''Nose''
- By:Frederick King Parker Parker
Perfumes: Technology Challenges The “Nose”
Computer programs challenge the way modern perfumes are created
Ever since it was possible to create your own personal fragrance on line the way perfumes have been designed has changed, perhaps for all time. The Internet has provided the means for people to create their own fragrances. The advantages soon become obvious, for instance, the perfume is created instantly, the cost is comparable to over the counter prices, the designed perfume is bespoke to the designer, the bottle carries the name of the wearer and even a photo on the label and delivery is quick whether to the designer’s address, or to the wearer if the perfume was designed as a gift.
It was little wonder then that the popularity grew and grew as more and more people used the service and spread the good news. Customers come from all over the world but, fragrance for you who founded the concept and who claim to be world leaders in the new idea say, that seven or eight out of ten orders come from the USA. Perhaps surprisingly eight out of ten come from men at the Christmas holidays and of course Valentines Day. It seems our male colleagues, daunted by the glitz and glitter of the department store perfume halls not to mention the incomprehensible jargon have embraced the system wholeheartedly.
At the heart of the system of online design is a computer and a bespoke program. This selects a fragrance derived from personality and lifestyle details of the customer who has entered these criteria on his or her own or on behalf of that of the wearer if the fragrance is to be a gift. The program is just as effective defining an after-shave or cologne but whether the wearer is to be male or female as long as the quality of the perfume compounds is “high end” then satisfaction is assured. A feature of the program is the ability to work within compatible fragrance compound parameters to ensure that no “clashes” occur in the final design..
Perhaps one more reason that makes the program so popular is that it is fun to do. After the fragrance has been designed there is a description of the design presented on the screen to be purchased or modified!
And so it seems that computer designed fragrances are here to stay just as long as people want their own fragrance then the future of the online design seems certain.
About the author:
Fred Parker is CEO of fragrance for you Limited, at a company based in Kettering UK which offers personalized fragrances for Individuals, Internet entrepreneurs, Corporations and as Wedding Favors worldwide.
Fragrance for you makes personalized scents using a computer program which uses personality and life style details to define a fragrance matching those characteristics. Perfumes are delivered to the customer labelled with the wearer’s name and photograph.