Pueraria Mirifica Thai Herbs Many Medicinal Purposes

By:Suwat Muenpan

If knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.

Our seek on Pueraria Mirifica ongoing in 1991 and on Butea Superba quickly after that. Pueraria Mirifica or pallid Kwao Krua is a herbal lodge that has long been worn in Thailand and Southeast Asia for many medicinal purposes. Typically, there are three types: white, red, and black Pueraria mirifica. But pasty kwao kreu and red kwao kreu are the most beneficial that gained the most interest.

These plants are found mostly in Thailand and Southeast Asia. In Thailand, they can usually be found at senior altitudes in the North. Even though there have been reports of decision plants in the same family "Pueraria" in other Asian countries, these plants are of a different species and do not possess the same qualities from Pueraria mirifica of Thailand.

Plant Description

For the rest of this article, we will discuss the meaning behind what we have learned about this subject so far.

Pueraria mirifica is a capture of hard vine that grows up and climbs around large trees. Palmate capture leaves, with three foliage in one petiole; its foliage are unadorned (ovate) and point leaf tips. plants are bluish purple, a cluster of 30 centimeters part at the end of its twig. The flower is parallel to a bean flower, each composes of five petals, the external part is the leading one, the two petals on both sides are curved, and the interior petals wrap an ovary. The lodge flowers from February to stride and produces pods in April. Aged brown downright pods goods 3-5 seeds. Tuberous roots are in different sizes. Its appearance is parallel to a yam root. Inside, the nose is pasty and the drink can basis dizziness. burrow sizes are assorted depending on the soil condition or the environment and the time of cropping. A definite tuberous nose can weigh as greatly as 100 kg. The character and extent of Pueraria mirifica is diverse and regularly differs inside each environment.

Family Name: Leguminosae.

Common Name: Pueraria mirifica.

Scientific Name: Pueraria mirifica fresh Shaw and Suvatabandhu.

Vernacular Name: Kwao kreu khao.

Parts used: Roots and barks.

Pueraria Mirifica
Pueraplus THAI FDA. G 11/2003 (E)

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth
Ingredients : Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)
Recommended Dosage : Take 1 capsule after breakfast and dinner, start the first capsule at the 1st day of menstruation till day 15 th. then stop and reconsume at the next menstruation cycle,

Warning : It should not be used in pregnant women, nursing cervix mothers, or women diagnosed with tumors in estrogen-sensitive organs, e.g., ovary, uterus and breast.

Precaution Always consult a physician before beginning any dietary supplement program, particularly if you have a medical condition

No matter which way you look at it, having a firm understanding of this topic will benefit you, even if it is just slightly.

About the author:

Suwat Munpan is the webmaster of the Pueraria Mirifica, natural breast enlargement and healthcare product review and advice website To Free BREAST SPRAY $ 40 at http://www.pueraria-mirifica.biz/