Researchers Make Medical Strides With Contact Lenses

By:joseph hanoa

It’s been said you can see into a person’s soul by gazing into their eyes. But with new advances in science and medicine, it may be possible to gaze into a person’s contact lenses to see whether they have low blood sugar. Scientists have been working on contact lenses that will reflect a person’s blood sugar in order to help them manage their diabetes.

According to researchers, the new method will mean people will not have to prick their skin to draw blood for blood sugar testing. It will be less painful and less invasive. Since diabetes changes the blood vessels in the retina, scientists have been able to create glucose sensitive contact lenses. They used boronic acid, which creates a reaction that can be seen when a person uses a device to flash blue light into the eyes.

Young children and contact lenses

For decades, experts have debated whether it’s safe for young children to wear contact lenses. The latest research shows young people can wear rigid contact lenses without a negative effect. The rigid lenses have been found to slow myopia in some children. The condition is a serious one, which can lead to vision loss and glaucoma. Myopia usually develops around the age of 5, 6 or 7 but it does not progress until the child is a teenager. Researchers say it takes children at least a month to get used to wearing rigid contact lenses. They speculate the rigid lenses where better than soft contact lenses for children because they allow more oxygen to flow to the cornea.

The cost of wearing rigid contact lenses is about half as much as disposable contact lenses. Prevent infections with lens cases
Whether you are wearing contact lenses or your child, another breakthrough for contact lens wearers is in the area of lens cases.
According to researchers, you can prevent eye infections by using new advanced lens cases with antimicrobial ingredients that kill contaminants. The product is sold as CIBA Vision’s Pro-Guard Lens Case, which has silver atoms charged to reduce contaminations.

Many people do not think about how they are contaminating their contact lenses by virtue of putting them in a case that is not completely sterile or immune to infectious strains. Finally, another advance in contact lenses is SynergEyes Inc.’s PS hybrid contact lens, which is intended to actually correct vision problems that came about because of a trauma to the eye.
The contacts have a rigid center but are softer around the edges for a more comfortable fit.

About the author:

As the creator of I can See !, I urge you to visit our website today if you are seeking information on Contact Lenses. We promise you won’t be disappointed with what you find.