Skin Care Products Can Cause Adult Acne
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It is estimated that 50 percent of adult women and 25 percent of adult men have acne. Although there are a number of reasons behind this – hormonal changes, stress, ingrown hairs from shaving, and so on – an often overlooked source of the problem is the moisturizers used to remedy dry skin. Substituting a shielding lotion for moisturizers provides the skin care treatment needed without causing acne and other skin problems.
How do moisturizers lead to acne? The usual problem is the addition of mineral oil or its derivatives. Mineral oil coats the skin and clogs the pores, which then become a breeding ground for bacteria. Because the pores are clogged, there’s no way for that bacteria to get out. This then results in inflammation and infection - acne.
So, if you have acne, or would like to avoid it, one of the first things to do is get rid of your moisturizers. Theoretically, this will lead to another problem – how do you handle your dry skin? The truth is that moisturizers are not only not effective dry skin care treatment; many of their chemical ingredients actually make the condition worse. It is not immediately obvious because the addition of mineral oil makes the skin feel soft and smooth. However, what you’re feeling is not your skin, it’s the mineral oil. Anything coated with oil is going to feel that way. Underneath the oil is the same dry skin. In fact, it’s probably getting worse because the pores are clogged with oil, bacteria is getting trapped, and dead skin cells are accumulating rather than sloughed off so your skin is fresh.
The best solution for both dry skin care and acne is a shielding lotion. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective layer that locks in natural moisture and keeps harmful chemicals out. However, it does not clog the pores in the process. The skin is free to breathe, dead skin cells are exfoliated and bacteria and other toxins are released.
Switching from moisturizers to a good shielding lotion could kill two birds with one stone. It provides dry skin care treatment that really alleviates the problem insteadAbout the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit