Spare a thought before you opt for a cosmetic surgery! Here are the warning sign
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The mushrooming of people looking for options to correct and enhance their appearance has lead to a notable surge in cosmetic surgeries. With the glossy advertisements and celebrity whims, the glamour for beauty cosmetic surgery has taken the risks involved in it out of question. This is because the surgeons those who vouch for the benefits of cosmetic surgery only downplay the risks involved in it. But by becoming informed and by knowing all about beauty cosmetic surgery before you opt for it, you can avoid falling prey to the business tactics of these surgeons. However this is not the case with all the surgeons. The article provides you the checklist in getting the cosmetic surgery and choosing the best surgeon.
Tip 1
First decide whether you need a cosmetic surgery. For this you should consider your age, health condition, financial status and purpose of the surgery. This is because the doctors will be hesitant to perform procedures incase the patient is young, weak or has other illness. You should also get prior screening to determine whether you are the right candidate for cosmetic surgery.
Tip 2
Try to have realistic expectations from the surgery .It is not a magic wand to turn you beautiful. It has got its own limitations. Eduacte yourself about the possible short comes of the surgery. You should especially be aware of the possibility of permanent scarring after surgery. Nerve damage, tissue damage, premature aging are some of the other effects of cosmetic surgery.
Tip 3
Choosing the well qualified and expert surgeon is the basis for the success of the cosmetic plastic surgery. Do your own research about the surgeon and don’t blindly follow referrals. Make a checklist to find the right surgeon.
- Check whether the surgeon is certified by a board because any doctor can perform plastic or cosmetic surgery.
- A board certified plastic surgeon means he has undergone the specialized training under the examination of a board of experts.
- Check whether the hospital that offers the surgery is an accredited hospital. Accredited hospitals will have only board certified surgeons.
- Check whether the certification status of the doctor and accredition of the hospital is current.
- Find out the techniques followed by the surgeon. Using latest technology doesn’t mean that your surgeon is competitive. You may become a test case sometimes.
- Discuss with your surgeon in detail about the procedure and risks involved at full length before the surgery
- Make sure that if your surgeon takes the charge in the operating room, he will not leave the finishing work to his juniors or nurses. Request him to leave the room only after the completion of surgery.
- Since the dangers of facial plastic surgery cannot be over looked, ensure that your surgeon will attend the redos, touch ups and other post operative procedures.
Tip 4
Have access to independent counseling and get second opinion from some other surgeon. Do your own research about the surgery apart from your clarifications from the surgeons.
Tip 5
Be open to all the opinions. Discuss with your family and friends for their consents. Consider the suggestions in the light of both risks and benefits of plastic surgery.
Tip 6
Find out other possible alternatives to plastic cosmetic surgery. Sometimes changing your attitude can be the alternative. If you start liking yourself along with the flaws in your personality, you can expect the same from others.
About the author: is the exclusive site that deals with beauty cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery dangers, plastic surgery benefits and many more.