Understanding The Cause and Treatment of Acne

By:Jon Arnold

In the world today acne is prevalent to some degree in almost three quarters of the population. Many people are self-conscience because of their appearance. While there is no cure for acne, there are steps that you can take to minimize its affects.

There are several types of acne, however common acne is the most prevalent. It is caused by your skin glands producing too much oil. When the oil and dead skin cells mix, the result is hair follicles being clogged. As the oil production continues, the oil is trapped under your skin and bacteria begins to form and acne begins to appear in the form of a red rash often accompanied bumps that can be irritated, itchy and at times be very painful. Although acne can appear on any part of the body, it most frequently appears on the face, back, arms, and neck. Often times, acne will disappear when the person reaches their early to mid twenties.

Another form of acne is called adult onset acne. Often, a person can go through their adolescence with minimal acne only to be plagued with it as an adult. While adult acne is not as common as acne in teenagers, it does occur and can be a source of frustration to the person who is afflicted with it.

Acne is a skin disease that can cause psychological impairments as well as physical. Severe acne can leave deep scars and that can lead to the person becoming self-conscious or have lower self-esteem. In some instances, it can lead to the person becoming withdrawn and depressed; however there are many medications available today that can reduce the amount of scarring that acne can cause.

Research has shown that acne is caused by different reasons. Adolescents are likely to get acne when they go into puberty. This is due to the change in hormone levels. Stress is also a major factor in the onset of acne as is heredity. If the person already has acne, any of these factors can add to the acne outbreak.

Research has also shown that many of the beliefs about acne are just not true. Greasy foods and eating sweets will not cause acne. Diet is not a factor in acne outbreaks. It is more likely that poor hygiene is a contributing factor to acne attacks.

The medications are available both over the counter and by prescription. They come in cream and in pill form. Whichever form you choose, acne medications are highly effective in treating acne.

Dermatologists also recommend that an exfoliate be used to keep your skin clean. The less oils that you have on your skin, the less chance you have of clogging your pores.

In today’s world, there is no reason for a person to suffer from acne. With all of the treatment options that are available today, acne should not make anyone’s life miserable.

It is important to develop a good skin care regime. Remember wash your face at least two times a day and always use a soft cloth.

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To get more insights and additional information about Acne Treatment please visit our web site at http://www.acne-warrior.com