What? Acne And Cows Milk?

By:Wycliffe Williams Williams

“Our recommendation is that no one under the age of twelve months be fed cows milk!” -

- American Academy of Pediatrics.

They go on to recommend that infants be fed breast milk for the first six to twelve months.

Lets consider the consumption of cows milk and how it relates to acne.

At a certain age, a calf stops drinking its mothers milk. True? Certainly a full grown cow no longer drinks milk from its mother.

Why is it then, that full grown humans would drink milk from the cows mother? Maybe the calf knows something that we don’t? Why is it so hard for us to catch on?

Cows Milk And Childhood Health Concerns

Listed below are some of the major health concerns as they are related to the consumption of cows milk:

1. Allergies

2. Iron deficiency anemia

3. Lowered intelligence

4. Milk sensitivities

5. Early atherosclerosis

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

7. Dental decay

8. Infectious diseases

9. Juvenile diabetes

10. Acne

Concern number nine is most unfortunate. I would love to dig a bit deeper into Juvenile Diabetes. However, this article is primarily concerned with number ten, Acne. Yes, acne and cows milk.
One of the sad things when considering treatment for acne is this. Whenever physicians are called in, they very rarely advise dietary change. Most advocate their plethora of drugs. Many times these drugs have harmful side effects.

Discontinuing the use of cows milk would greatly improve the appearance of acne in their patients.

Pasteurization and Sterilization of Milk

One of the most prevalent misconceptions that milk consumers have is that pasteurized milk is free of all disease carrying agents.

There is absolutely no truth in this belief! None whatsoever!

The only thing I am able to concede is that pasteurized milk is safer to drink than raw milk. Its just the lesser of two bad choices.

Keep this in mind, in the pasteurization process, the milk is heated to only 160 degrees Fahrenheit. It remains at this temperature for a mere 15 seconds. It does reduce some of the infectious agents, but it doesn’t eliminate them.

Milk that is sterilized would have to be heated to at least 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The milk would then have to stay at that temperature for a sustained period of time.

Bacteria and viruses survive the pasteurization process and live on in milk, and are passed on to milk drinkers. These infectious agents are allowed to run amok within our bodies and their constant attacks weaken our immune system.

Our bodies are protected by a wonderful guard dog called the immune system. It is our on board ally, whose job it is to defend our bodies. All types of disease riddled bacteria and parasites are attacked and destroyed at first sight by a healthy immune system.

On the other hand, an unhealthy immune system is left exposed and unable to do its job on our behalf. A slow to respond and overwhelmed immune system leaves the back door open. We are then prone to attack by any and every disease that comes our way.

Including acne!

It is important to note, the appearance of acne signals an internal imbalance. Something is already wrong with our internal machinery. Milk, with its myriad contaminants has paved the way for acne to enjoy a free uninhibited ride throughout our system.

Remember this. The milk you feed your children today, lays the ground work for acne to surface later on down the road.

About the author:

Do you realize the devastating effect milk has on you and your child? Don’t accept this, do something about it. Take firm action now! Arm yourself with the correct information. You make the decision for yourself and your family. Wycliffe Williams did. He used this ebook to arm himself http://humbleme.solution72.hop.clickbank.net