What's The Right Hair Removal Method For You?

By:Jack Lee

Removing unwanted hair is a pretty simple process today and various options are available to both men and women. Choosing the best method or a combination of methods depends on factors like cost, time available, skin type, desired hair-free area and the required upkeep of the chosen method.

You need to choose a licensed specialist to carry out any method and if you are doing at home you need to be fully sure about the technique and the quality of products used.

Alternatives available

Shaving (Duration it lasts: barely 24 hours) It is the most routine method of depilation used by men and women the world over. Hair are removed using a razor and mostly with the help of a lubricating or lathering agent such as shaving cream, sop, gel, or foam. The razor used could be electric or manual.

1. Pain-free method if done correctly.
2. Is very fast and saves time.
3. Result is smooth.
4. Can be done at home.
5. Economical.

1. Can cause nicks, abrasions, cuts, and irritation of skin. 2. Is not long lasting, within 24 hours youll see stubble. 3. People with curly hair may suffer from razor bumps or ingrown hair. 4. The blunt end of the re grown hair can cause considerable discomfort in tender areas like the bikini area.

Tweezing or plucking (Duration it lasts: 1-2 days). The gain is however slow and some females might need to repeat the process once in two weeks.) An easy method, tweezing or plucking requires the use metal tweezers or forceps to pull out one hair at a time by the root. Advantages:
1. Fast and easy technique to pluck eyebrows and stray hair on face.

1. Hard for large areas.
2. May cause pitting, scarring and ingrown hair.

Waxing (Duration it lasts: 1-2 days. The growth is however slow and some women might need to repeat the process once three to eight weeks.) To wax you need to spread a thin layer of cold or hot wax in the direction of the hair growth and then press a cloth or porous paper strip over it. Pull the strip against the direction of hair growth.

1. The new hair growth is softer.
2. Required frequency is less.
3. Not very pricey

1. Takes a long time.
2. Disorganized.
3. Need assistance in some areas.

(Duration it lasts: Permanent, if done properly.) A hair-thin metal probe is placed in the hair pore and follicle is bunt permanently with electricity. The damage is local and effective when done by an experienced cosmetologist.

1. Permanent hair removal.

1. Can be very pricey.
2. Takes a long time, hence is more suitable for minor areas.
3. If not done properly it can lead to hair regrowth and skin damage.

There are other less popular methods like Flashlamps, depilatories, laser, sugaring and many more. You must choose the method or methods best suited to you in consultation with your cosmetologist. When choosing the practitioner, ensure that the practitioner:
1. Is licensed
2. Has had experience with the procedure he/she is offering you
3. Has an established outlet
4. Can support the claims about the procedure with clinically published data.
5. Has satisfied customers you have interacted with.

Visit us to learn more about hair removal strategies ranging from pubic hair cuts to the rest of your body as well.

About the author:

Removing pubic hair along with a greater number of important hair removal info are to be had at http://www.hairremovalcare.com/removing-pubic-hair/. Feel free to pay us a visit!