Yeast Infection-What You Need to Know

By:Bob Janeway

Yeast infections can occur in both men and women and have many causes. They are at times very uncomfortable, and in some cases, they can even cause serious health problems. It all depends on the person’s body and what they’ve done or had done.

In women, yeast infections are caused by the vaginal area being constantly warm and moist. Yeast breeds in environments that are wet, dark, and warm which is why it is so much easier for the woman to contract a yeast infection since the vaginal area has exactly that environment. Not to mention, women have to contend with yeast infections caused by the hormones in birth control pills. What’s more, they can be contracted through the use of antibiotics or sexual transmition.

Men can also get yeast infections. Unlike the women’s yeast infection, the men don’t always experience symptoms. Sometimes for men, yeast infections come in the form of jock itch. Yeast infections can develop in men in the folds of the skin in the groin area: or, just the same as in women, it can come about through sexual transmition and antibiotics.

Sometimes, yeast infections can become systemic and more severer than the average yeast infection as it spreads throughout the body causing very painful complications. This type of yeast infection is known as a condition that is called Chronic Candida. Many have thought that this only occurred in people with compromised immune systems such as patients with HIV infection. However, that isn’t true. Several today live with the condition that can cause many uncomfortable symptoms. Candida has even caused so much pain to the point that it becomes crippling. This occurs in both men and women.

Treating and Preventing Yeast infections
When it comes to the common vaginal yeast infection in women, you can treat it simply by using Monistat. This can be found in many drug stores and can be purchased over the counter. Not to mention, yogurt can also be applied to the affected area. However, if the vaginal infection is more severe or keeps returning, a prescription medication may be needed.

Should a woman want to prevent a vaginal yeast infection from occurring, she may want to make sure her area is dried well after bathing. Also, tight jeans should not be worn, and underwear should be changed daily. If using the pill is necessary, it should not be used for a long period of time. The same also goes for the use of antibiotics as the extensive use of them can cause the body to become a nice host for yeast overgrowth. And, should she want to have sexual relations, she should be careful as her partner may have a yeast infection. As stated before, men don’t always know when they have them. In addition, if he has had sex with the woman when she was infected and has sex again a couple days later after the woman has cleared up, chances of the woman contracting it again are high.

As for the men, antibiotics should only be used as necessary just as in the women. He should make sure his partner doesn’t have a yeast infection should he want to have relations. It would be a good idea for him to wait until she has gotten over it before having sexual contact.

For those who have systemic yeast infections—Chronic Candida—keeping to a strict diet may be necessary to keep things from getting out of hand. Also, should outbreaks become uncontrolled, prescription medications can be used. However, treating it with diet and a natural remedy for yeast infection protocol is the best way to go.

About the author:
Bob is the webmaster of Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection blog. You don't have to suffer any longer, find the solution now.