You Believe You Know About Acne Treatment Options?
- By:Nasrul Ismail
Acne cleanser functions by removing excess oil, dirt, and sweat from the surface of your skin. Over the counter treatment known as topical treatment is a type of medication used directly onto the acne area. Overusing the cleanser can cause a detrimental effect on your acne condition as cleanser induce dryness in skin and can cause skin irritation when used in excess. It is advised to only cleanse with these products once or twice a day.
Acne treatments for scarring and other type of treatments are available of acne sufferer that has good records and result. There are many type of treatments available and the main challenge for you is in choosing the right treatment for you. It is possible to remove acne scarring on the face and it has shown success. Back acne and chest acne has shown little success and respond poorly to treatments.
If you mistaken an acne papule and acne pustule it is because they look just about the same with their characteristic small and roundish lesions. The main differences between acne papule and acne pustules is that the latter contain pus and it looks much more reddish in calor. The pus in the middle of the acne makes it quite visible and this will give the whitish tinge and the surrounding skin will be red due to inflammation. It is not entirely true to say that acne pustule are bacteria infested acne as it caused the inflammation, in fact this isn�t always the case.
Hormone fluctuations especially during adolescent is one of the very first speculated reason for the cause of acne.Acne formation are caused by oil overproduction triggered by hormone fluctuations. The adult can have acne breakouts triggered by hormones fluctuations. Such hormones is androgen that cause hair follicle to get clogged and cause acne.
There are many who believe that by increasing the frequency of you cleaning your face can somehow clear acne faster. The mechanism of acne isn't caused by external dirt that blocked the pores. It is rather the other way around. The skin pores can sometimes breaks down and caused the pores to collapse and bring about acne break outs. With this in mind, you can clean your face all you want but the pores will remain blocked. Certain facial cleanser especially soap can cause skin dryness and in worse case skin irritation.About the author:
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