- Facts You Should Know About Perfume
- Perfume (Latin "per fume" meaning "through smoke") was highly favored by the Egyptians, Romans, and Arabs. In East Asia, perfumes were incense based. People used to make perfumes from spices and herbs like bergamot, myrtle, coriander, conifer resin,...
- Daily Skin Care Routine - Some Tips
- A skincare routine should be followed regularly for the best results. Daily skin and facial care is much more effective in making us look beautiful than any cosmetics in the world. Also, a healthy balanced diet and an efficient digest-absorb-assimil...
- How to dress for your body
- Pear Shape Like Beyonce, you are bootilicious. Most of your weight is situated on the lower half of your body: hips, thighs and bum. You upper half is slimmer than your lower half which means a small bust and usually a flat stomach. Your waist is ve...
- Long hair fast
- Foundational tips * eat a nutritious diet- as if you needed another reason to. A well balanced diet affets the entire body including your hair. Zinc, Iron and B vitamins are great starters for optimal hair growth * drink up - water that is. Divide y...
- Hair Shampooing and Coloring
- Coloring hair can be done for a temporary effect, or in a more permanent fashion. There are hair colors that wash out after one shampooing, after several shampoos, and those that are supposedly permanent. Coloring hair is very fashionable these days...
- Celebrity Hairstyles - Some Tips
- There are so many teen stars who play teens at least, that the number of hairstyles is in great abundance. There are many tools one can use to get the perfect hairstyle. A vent hair brush is a brush that has multiple open slots or vents where the br...
- Best to protect your eye from sun
- Medical studies have been increasingly tying chronic contact to UV and near-UV rays to ocular diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Various shade does not offer exact protection, as our eyes still absorb UV radiation, particularly whe...
- Hair Perm - Home Perm Hair Style
- Making straight hair curly is not a new hair style idea. Women in ancient Egypt coated their hair in mud, wound it around wooden rods and then used the heat from the sun to create the curls. Waves that won't wash out are a more recent innovation. Mo...
- Daily Hair care tips and advice
- Eventually I knew precisely what hair wanted:it to grow, to be it self... to be left alone by anyone, including me , who did not love it as it was . Beautiful, shining hair is a valuable asset. It can also be a versatile fashion accessory, to be col...