How Constipation Creates Colon Cancer
- By:Rudy Silva
In 1911 Dr. Alexis Carrel received the Nobel Prize for growing live tissue cells. He discovered that removing their digestive wastes every day, these cells could live indefinitely. When he did not remove their wastes for three days they become weak and unhealthy.
This simple experiment showed that whatever waste we create whether it's in our lymph liquid, our blood, or in the colon, it must be removed daily if we are to have excellent health.
Looking at colon waste, we should be having a bowel movement every day for every meal we eat. Most of us have only one or none each day. Many doctors say it's ok if you only have one bowel movement every two days. Yes, it's ok if you want to create colon cancer.
Studies have shown that if you have a bowel movement every 3 - 4 days, you are more at risk for having a heart attack, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, IBS, and many other illnesses.
As in 1911, Dr. Alexis showed cells become weak and die if they remain in their own metabolic waste for over three days or longer. This is exactly the condition called constipation.
Fecal matter that remains stagnant in the colon gives rise to bacteria that create colon wall irritations and inflammation. This then can lead to colon cancer.
And another thing, if you continue to have constipation, then this bacteria and toxic waste tend to slip into the small intestine where they can then get into your blood stream. There, this toxic matter goes all over the body creating damage and excess inflammation.
Here's how to make sure your fecal matter does not become stagnant in your colon and produces colon cancer.
Just by increasing the amount of fiber you eat daily by 3 / 4 ounce, you can dramatically change your risk of getting colon cancer and many other colon diseases. If you are like most people, you eat only 1 / 4 ounce of fiber. In terms of grams, you are likely eating 8 grams. Raise the amount of fiber you eat by 20 grams to 28 grams and reduce your likelihood of getting colon cancer.
Here's what fiber does in your colon:
* Increase the size of your stools
* Feeds your good bacteria and keeps them healthy and plentiful
* Traps carcinogens so they don't collect on your colon wall
* Reduces the amount of bile salts that are changed to carcinogens by bad bacteria
* Keeps you pH slightly acidic and in favor of good bacteria
* Reduces stagnation of fecal matter in colon - reduces constipation
" Traps water so stools are not hard
Here's how fiber works. By keeping your stools large, they move quicker in your colon and don't allow carcinogens to stay in contact with your colon wall for very long.
Large fiber stools brush along the colon walls keeping them clean and causing the nerves to activate peristaltic action.
Fiber provides food for the good bacteria and makes them stronger than the bad bacterial. This limits the carcinogen producing activities of the bad bacteria. When the good bacteria exceed the bad bacteria, the colon pH is slightly acidic and this makes your colon work better - less constipation and more nerve sensitivity
When your stools have more water, they are softer and move easily through the colon. Hard stools are hard to move through the colon. Since the colon sucks water out of the stool to recirculate it into the blood, less toxic material is pull out of a fecal bulk if it has plenty of water.
Add 3 / 4 ounce of fiber to your daily diet and avoid the misery and devastation that colon cancer brings to you and your familyAbout the author:
Rudy Silva is a Natural Nutritionist. To get more tips and discover more ideas on how to prevent getting colon cancer, go to:
To discover how to eliminate constipation go to: