- By:Andy Bowen Bowen
Clinical trials are studies of new drugs to test their effectiveness and safety on humans. There are Clinical trials in progress for drugs for a wide range of illnesses, including mesothelioma. There are benefits and pitfalls to participating in such trails and it is vital that you understand these beforehand. For example, you may need to travel further to be treated at a larger cancer center for even just your routine tests and treatments. However, you will be treated by the best doctors who are considered experts in their field, usually at the best facilities. You should also consider the risk that whilst the drug you are using may eventually be proved to be a wonder drug it could also be proved to be less effective than the current available treatments.
The criteria for eligibility for clinical trials varies. There are some trials which require that you have had no treatment prior to starting and others that will only allow participation after other treatments have failed. Your doctor will be able to advise on the suitability of each trial.
In order to test the new drug against the current standard some trials work by giving half the patients the new drug and half a current drug. You will be told if this is to be the case beforehand. The use of placebos, where the pill is a fake and contains no active ingredients, is rare in cancer trials.
All clinical trials are divided into phases
Phase I
Enrol a small group in order to test how the drugs and procedures should be administered.
Phase II
Provides early information about the success rate, safety and benefits of the new drug or procedure.
Phase III
Where drugs or treatments appear promising they are compared against the current standard using a larger group of candidates.
Anyone interested in participating in a clinical trial should discuss the particular trial thoroughly with their doctor before a making a decision on whether it is right for them.
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For more information on mesothelioma clinical trials visit
New Mesothelioma Treatment