Microwaved Water that Kills Plants. What does it do to Humans?
- By:Paul Sean Fitzgerald Fitzgeral
Research study shows how microwave radiation alters the genetic material and caused adverse biological reactions to living organisms. This project was done to study how substances exposed to radiation emitted from a microwave oven affect living organisms. For this project, they used water as the medium and the plants as the subject to show how microwave-heated water and purified water affected the growth of the plants. As the days progressed, the two plants had much different results. The plant fed with distilled water thrived and showed normal growth. The plant fed the microwave heated water caused stunted growth until actual death of the plant occurred. See results below.
Experiment report:
Day 1: Both identical plant species were pruned to record new plant growth. Both were watered regularly, but plant A is treated with water that is heated in the microwave; while plant B is treated with purified water.
Day 3: The plants are continuously watered regularly with Pot A in microwave-heated water and Pot B in purified water. Th difference is starting to show between the two? Pot A seemed to be a bit thin and stopped sprouting leaves, unlike with Pot B; plus the color of the leaves started to differ. Pot B has a healthier color of leaves than Pot A.
Day 5: Here is where you see the major difference of the two pots. Pot A seems to be slowly drying out and dying while the plant in Pot B continues to grow and have a healthy color on its leaves.
Day 7: By this time, the plant in pot A looses its leaves and withers. You can tell how microwaved-water affected the plant in pot A.
Day 9: As we approached the end of the experiment, the plant in pot A totally died out while the plant in pot B continues to grow healthily. This concludes that microwave-heated water affects the living tissues of an organism. This simple experiment shows the possibility that radiation can cause alteration of the DNA structure of a certain organism or substance (in this experiment, water) ending in the mutation of that particular substance.
What happens to all of the food we heat in our microwave ovens? What of the baby’s formula we heat in the microwave? What is the effect upon the babies gentle developing organs? What does over 20 years of using water and eating food heated out of a microwave due to our bodies? We need to stop and think about these plants above and what they are trying to tell us through this experiment. Repeat this at home and you will find the same results. This may give you a clue as to why the Russian banned it from their country after World War 2 even though they invented it.
To see the pictures of the plants growth in days 1 through 9 go to: http://www.adminder.com/c.cgi?paully111µwavewAbout the author: